Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




I was doing some nice girth work and finally gaining some girth until I noticed this white bump in about the middle of my shaft, so i’ve been off of PE for 2-3 weeks and it is still there. How do you get rid of it? Here is a picture of it:

(17.1 KB, 301 views)

How big is it?

It’s right under the surface of the skin, right, and moves with the skin?

Middle of the shaft, so well above any hairs?

Nice pic.

Thanks for the reply. It seems to be about 0.2-0.3cm in diameter. Here are a few more pics, I hope these are a bit more clear (although still somewhat blurry :) )

Image too large for thunders so I put it up at imageshack:


Originally Posted by hangh
Thanks for the reply. It seems to be about 0.2-0.3cm in diameter. Here are a few more pics, I hope these are a bit more clear (although still somewhat blurry :) )

Image too large for thunders so I put it up at imageshack:


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I say squeeze it! I would (:

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Originally Posted by Slack
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I say squeeze it! I would (:

Oh, sorry. Didn’t know you couldn’t do that (: I’ll modify them and attach.

It does move with the skin, right under the surface? I don’t know how I could check that. I read somewhere that there are tiny hairs all over the shaft (and body). Yesterday I was checking it a bit closer and saw that there was a tiny hair at the bump/lump/cyst or near it.

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(16.2 KB, 86 views)

As appealing as it might sound, I wouldn’t squeeze this because you’d be setting yourself up for an infection and also keep it there longer. Leave it, it should go away on it’s own. If it’s still there in the next couple of weeks, see a doctor.

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Go on….give it a squeeze and watch the pus fly! It’ll sting a bit more than a normal spot but so long as you wash your hands it’ll be fine…


"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

You have a lot of smaller white bumps on your shaft and the bump in question seems to have expanded a bit. Here is a search result that covers this topic:

Pearly Penile Papules

edit to a new link.

Last edited by gprent : 10-08-2005 at .

Originally Posted by gprent
You have a lot of smaller white bumps on your shaft and the bump in question seems to have expanded a bit.

Yeah i’ve done some research on those smaller ones. They are harmless and lubricate the dick or something like that.

Here’s a thought:

If it’s been there for three weeks and hasn’t changed or gone away, you might consider having a physician look at it.

I realize that this is a very old thread but I have a white bump nearly identical to hangh’s and I wanted to see if there was anyone else who has had the same thing happen to them. If so, what was it and what were they able to do to get rid of it?

Obviously, west’s advise to see a doctor is not a bad idea, but if it is something that I can manage taking care of on my own, I would much rather go that route.


"This is my boomstick!"

I’d say that is more similar to Fordyce’s spots than PPP.

Check out Fordyce spots - Wikipedia

It could also be a wart, quite common. You could try putting some type of topical astringent on it to see if it reduces the size. If it’s more like a zit, that will tend to reduce it’s size or it may even go away on it’s own as the body reabsorbs the pus.

If it’s something like an ingrown hair it should likely get larger and more sore until it eventually ruptures. If it’s a wart it will probably maintain it’s size or get harder. (Warts often turn white if you apply vinegar to them, so you could try that.just use something like distilled white vinegar that is 8%)

4/2008 Bpel 6.50, Beg 5.5, Mseg 4.9

6/2008 Bpel 6.75, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

9/2008 Bpel 7.00, Beg 5.5, Mseg 5.1

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