Thunder's Place

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Firm flaccid penis

In terms of progress, I’ve been getting less hard flaccids even when working out ( when I used to train legs it would go completely rock hard and tiny ) the other day it seemed fine. Morning wood is miraculously coming back, it doesn’t die down as quick, it gets much harder without stimulation, and it doesn’t go hard flaccid once it’s gone down.

The only thing I’ve been doing is hot wraps daily, focusing on relaxing everything down there ( contracting the bc muscle seems to relax it within a few seconds ) and NOT masturbating or looking at erotic material of any kind (porn).

I’m three weeks into this, and it seems to be getting better all the time. I shall continue doing this untill I can get normal erections again, and even then I will wait a month or so before watching porn. Because masturbation seems to reset the (healing) process.

Originally Posted by willy wonka
If this is the case, why are urologists, who will have witnessed injuries to the penis before, so ignorant to such a pelvic floor reflex action?

They do know about reflex actions like the bulbocavernous reflex. So they are aware that muscle contraction does occur with certain penis stimulation. However, they just seem ignorant of a prolonged contraction like a firm flaccid because it is so unusual. And from what I have gathered about the whole field of urology throughout my ordeal is there is a ton of mystery regarding the penis and pelvic floor in general.

Originally Posted by biff7686
They do know about reflex actions like the bulbocavernous reflex. So they are aware that muscle contraction does occur with certain penis stimulation. However, they just seem ignorant of a prolonged contraction like a firm flaccid because it is so unusual. And from what I have gathered about the whole field of urology throughout my ordeal is there is a ton of mystery regarding the penis and pelvic floor in general.

A couple of things I’d like your opinion on, biff.

The pudendal nerve is trapped somewhere for me, that is confirmed by that fact I have loss of sensation in my scrotum aswell as my penis. There is also, for whatever reason, a loss of blood flow to my penis, something we all appear to experience.

My questions are,

1) Will a nerve that is trapped die if it is trapped/compressed for long? Does a nerve recover once it is decompressed and is it likely my particular nerve entrapment would be resolved if it was decompressed from wherever it is trapped?
2) With the lack off blood flow to the penis, is necrosis something I/we should be worried about? How long would necrosis take to occur?

Thanks for your advice.

Here’s an interesting article (on prostate surgery) for Venom and the rest who believe “complete rest” is the solution to firm flaccid:

Post Prostate Surgery Advice - Use It or Lose It Wires
Thursday, Aug. 9, 2007

Erectile dysfunction after surgery to remove the prostate (radical prostatectomy) has traditionally been attributed to nerve damage that theoretically should heal over time. But it can take as long as two years for the nerves to recover enough for a man to have an erection without the aid of drugs or devices. By that time, other damage may have occurred, according to an article in the latest issue of Perspectives on Prostate Disease.

The Harvard Medical School bulletin notes that when the penis is flaccid for long periods of time, it is deprived of a lot of oxygen-rich blood. Recent research suggests that this low oxygen level causes some muscle cells in the penis\’s erectile tissue to lose their flexibility. The tissue gradually becomes more like scar tissue, interfering with the penis\’s ability to expand when it\’s filled with blood.

Therefore, the traditional advice given to men—to wait for erectile function to return on its own—may not be adequate. Simply put, erections seem to work on a use-it-or-lose-it basis. To prevent the secondary damage that may occur if the penis goes too long without erections, researchers now think it\’s better to restore erectile function soon after prostate removal. Treatment options include using a vacuum pump device or taking erectile dysfunction drugs by mouth or by injection into the penis.

According to Dr. Marc Garnick, editor in chief of Perspectives on Prostate Disease and a Harvard oncologist, “Although the evidence supporting this ‘penile rehabilitation' isn't perfect, you may want to ask your doctor about the options. Such early intervention may help increase the odds that you will regain erectile function.

"When the penis is flaccid for long periods of time, it is deprived of a lot of oxygen-rich blood. Recent research suggests that this low oxygen level causes some muscle cells in the penis’s erectile tissue to lose their flexibility. The tissue gradually becomes more like scar tissue, interfering with the penis’s ability to expand when it’s filled with blood.”

Yes, but just because I’m resting it doesn’t mean I’m not getting erections ! My Morning wood and spontaneous erections are much stronger than before I was resting and therefore I’m getting more natural erections than ever which is helping to promote healing.

Originally Posted by biff7686
I agree the book is a good read and the firm flaccid is most likely cause we are over stressing our pelvic muscles. I have tried some of the techniques in the book, but unfortunately I have not had much success. I believe this is due to my injury being related to a penile suspensory ligament injury that has not healed. Right now, it feels as if someone pulled my penis really hard and now my penis feels as if it is hanging from a string at the base. I am trying to find a surgeon to try and fix the ligament issue and see if that will fix the firm flaccid as well as other problems. I read over some of your posts and you have mentioned that you have tried acupuncture. My question to you is have you had acupuncture done in your perineum area? Also, have you done internal therapy? I have had these suggested as a possible treatment, but I am hesitant of having acupuncture done in that location or internal therapy. I just wanted to see if you had any experience with this and if you recommend it.


I am glad you picked up the book and have found it use full. I have been doing a lot of internal therapy and it was originally recommended to me by my pelvic floor specialist. I find this is extremely beneficial because it allows you to release inner tension. A lot of these muscles can only be accessed this way. I would recommend having a specialist show you how to do these exercises. As far as the acupuncture goes, I have had this treatment in the perineum area and found it to be ok. I usually do it in addition to my other exercises so it’s tough to say how well it works.

Definitely look into internal therapy. It is really uncomfortable but well worth it! For anyone who’s not sure what this means; it’s basically trigger point release inside your anal cavity.

Originally Posted by hyperlite10

I am glad you picked up the book and have found it use full. I have been doing a lot of internal therapy and it was originally recommended to me by my pelvic floor specialist. I find this is extremely beneficial because it allows you to release inner tension. A lot of these muscles can only be accessed this way. I would recommend having a specialist show you how to do these exercises. As far as the acupuncture goes, I have had this treatment in the perineum area and found it to be ok. I usually do it in addition to my other exercises so it’s tough to say how well it works.

Definitely look into internal therapy. It is really uncomfortable but well worth it! For anyone who’s not sure what this means; it’s basically trigger point release inside your anal cavity.

You haven’t mentioned what kind of recover (if any) you have made?


It has been a roller coster of highs and lows. I was doing really well and felt like I was on track to be 100% about a month ago. I got a little to excited and started hitting the gym again hard. After about 3-4 weeks of hard training in the gym (Kettle Bells and Cross Fit) I aggravated my pelvic floor and now I am dealing with symptoms again. I am going to take some time away from the gym and try to calm down this flair up. The physio therapist said that I would go through ups and downs and the key is to try and limit those flair ups until one day they don’t come back at all.

- Internal therapy
- stretching
- relaxation through out the day (belly breathing)
- rolling on a ball (stomach and butt)
- restorative yoga

I use all of these to calm down my flair ups

Hmm interesting. I go to the gym 4-5 days per week and lift heavy weights and wonder if this could have an impact ? I notice my hard flaccid gets worse during workout time.

Also, hyperlite. Do/Did you have erectile problems too ?


I have erectile issues as well. I find my Erection Quality gets a lot worse when I train hard in the gym. My therapist told me to stay away from lifting heavy weights. Exercises that shorten muscles such as; Crunches and sit ups are especially bad. I find squats and leg presses also causes a negative reaction. I would recommend trying to stay away from heavy weights for a while and/or anything that really strains your insides. Next time you go to the gym and you are lifting, pay attention to what your PC/BC muscles are doing when you are lifting. I haven’t been able to figure this out yet but I am pretty sure that I am holding a lot of stress in this area when I lift. I don’t know how to avoid this yet.

I am willing to bet if you could limit yourself to some restorative yoga and stretching for awhile you would probably see some positive results with your FF.

Originally Posted by willy wonka
A couple of things I’d like your opinion on, biff.

The pudendal nerve is trapped somewhere for me, that is confirmed by that fact I have loss of sensation in my scrotum aswell as my penis. There is also, for whatever reason, a loss of blood flow to my penis, something we all appear to experience.

My questions are,

1) Will a nerve that is trapped die if it is trapped/compressed for long? Does a nerve recover once it is decompressed and is it likely my particular nerve entrapment would be resolved if it was decompressed from wherever it is trapped?
2) With the lack off blood flow to the penis, is necrosis something I/we should be worried about? How long would necrosis take to occur?

Thanks for your advice.

For your first question, the answer really is how bad is the entrapment. I think since we still have some feeling left and not complete numbness that if the nerve is decompressed we should regain sensation. There was a poster earlier in this thread that mentioned he had firm flaccid and pretty bad loss of sensation for 3 years and then did yoga and basically got rid of his symptoms. For nerve sensation to return after 3 years, it gives me hope that with this condition nerves are still getting enough oxygen and blood to at least give us some sensation, thus with decompression we should heal.

For your second question, necrosis is not something to worry about, but fibrosis is a possibility. But I don’t think any of us have peyronie’s disease so even if there is fibrosis occurring with better blood flow it is possible to get rid of the fibrotic tissue.

Has anyone else had the experience I’ve had;

Initially the firm flaccid was really bad, but after a few weeks of rest, then going back to relatively normal sex.. Firm flaccid greatly improved.. But never 100% back to normal, just not firm most of the time, but still more firm then before, or occasionally going really soft.

Just recently it came back a little bit after I clenched my pelvic floor..

So it seems some guys get it really bad and it stays that way, other guys it goes away quickly/completely.. And me I’m sorta in the middle, it improves a lot, but maybe doesnt feel 100% like it used to, just different.

Yeah I’m the same, and it’s been less regularly firm flaccid after stopping masturbation until it goes away, I’m on week 4 now

Yea venom? Yea, I’m taking a break from masturbating too.. Does your dick ever feel overly soft?

Heres what my dick feels like:
Occasionally it gets pretty firm, like the inner core is firm
Sometimes just the outer part (tunica) feels more stiff then before
Sometimes the dick gets really soft and jelly like, like not firm at all, the opposite of firm? Weird
The skin on my shaft seems really soft, like it’s changed a bit perhaps
I can still get hard erections, and they feel good - and havent really lost any size.. BUT, it’s like the tunica feels really tight, so my erections sometimes feels TOO hard.. I know that sounds desirable, but it’s like feels like the tunica is really tight, and I worry that my dick is so inflexible that, could be dangerous during sex, don’t wanna break it lol

Anyone else have similar things? Most of the time I don’t have a really bad firm flaccid.. Sometimes I notice if I start fiddling with my dick too much it gets more firm.. Other times if it’s firm, moving it a bit, bending it a little bit relaxes it more..

The fact that my dick sometimes get super soft, jelly like, tells me it can’t be scar tissue.. Because it wouldn’t just dissapear and come back.. It’s gotta be some type of contraction.. Dunno why it happens though.. Frustrating

Yeah at times it feels completely normal, like it did before this injury, completely loose with good sensitivity and overall fullness - this is usully when I’m wearing baggy trousers and standing around or just learning.


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