Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

4AD (Aderm Guinea Pig 2 reporting in.

I too can’t understand why with over 8in that you want more and would subject your dick, balls and body to any after effects of taking that stuff, Definitely the young dudes 17, 18 etc who has enough testosterone should not take it unless a doctor tells you it would be OK. Always find out or look into the effects of taking any medicine, herbs etc into your body od to put on the body.

Been using it for a little while now along side my Penimaster and I am happy with the results it is giving me so far. Ill just need to weight and see if the results are hear to stay after I stop using it.


Hm. I still seem to be not subscribed to my own thread. How pesky.

Anyway. I went through a second cycle of this stuff, and my measurements briefly hit 8.5”… and then seemed to recede. And bounce around. So I took more than a few weeks off. I’m just restarting again now. So the conclusion? I still don’t know. I picked up a second bottle of the stuff to continue the experiment a while back. At very least I’m willing to accept the risk of using it to completion.

And yes, of course this is a risky path. But you know, when I first started researching PE, years back, before I had discovered Thunders… I remember reading places that hanging weights would make you impotent, too. Also, people HAVE been damaged before by manual exercises, so they aren’t 100% safe either. Is this route more risky? I don’t know. I’m volunteering to take that chance and be one more statistic in finding out.

sdub - your input is welcome, your attacks on forum members are not. If you look around the PE community, you’ll find that a lot of what we do here (starting with our basic premise) defies conventional wisdom. Quoting what doctors ‘know’ carries a certain amount of weight, but 90% of us wouldn’t be here if we were willing to take it all as unquestionable fact. It’s best to approach these things with an element of curiosity and humility.

I just started getting eMails about this one.

Looks like whatever it was, it’s fixed.

OK Just measure today again and seem to be mid shaft a little bit under 1/2 inch in girth bigger then my usual 7. Had to measure it five times and all 5 came back the same, and I think it has only been a week since I last got the tape out maybe more.

I am just sticking with my Penimaster and I will be starting to hang with my new homemade hanger witch I have tried out and it is great and can take allot of weight so thats good. I am also reconsidering my goals to maybe 8 x 7 nbpel instead of 9 x 7 and hopefully with the hanging I can get back to 7 girth as this was not my aim.

This is very bad because I don’t want to grow any more girth I want length, so no more 4derm for me.


7 x 7 1/2 NBPEL

Shooting for 8 x 7 NBPEL


Reminds me of a conversation with a girl at my high school reunion. She had left a job as an aeronautic engineer to work as a stripper, and lived an active swinger lifestyle. She related about the one guy that had been so thick that she couldn’t fit him in when he was fully erect. She had to stop seeing him because she was getting stretched and it was starting to effect the quality of sex with the boy she loved.

Mini-update : Added a hot rice sock to my routine while hanging. Cutting the 4AD back to every other day. Wanking very little. (Once a week or so.) Back up to 8.5” EBPL stable/cementing.

Last edited by deSol : 11-17-2003 at .

No more updates?


'I won't be the one left behind, you can't be king of the world if you're slave to the grind.'

Hey - been out and in other habits.

Final exams and then winter vacation.

My routines have been less than routine, so nothing really to show. Also didn’t bring the bottle with me on holiday. It’ll be a while before i have any more evidence, pro or con.

Originally posted by deSol
Hey - been out and in other habits.
Final exams and then winter vacation.
My routines have been less than routine, so nothing really to show. Also didn't bring the bottle with me on holiday. It'll be a while before i have any more evidence, pro or con.

Ahh, I see. I am about one week into my cycle of 4Derm. So far I seem to have a .25” gain. :)


'I won't be the one left behind, you can't be king of the world if you're slave to the grind.'

ItsElectric, that’s amazing growth. Are you doing any exercises with that? I’m thinking of buying this and experimenting also, but what sdub mentions about the adverse effects scares me.

updates please

I was curious if there were any more updates as prohormones are going to be banned, 4AD included.

any places where u can get 4ad in england?

over the net or something.



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