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Liquid Viagra and liquid Cialis?


I’d think 30ml of the stuff would keep you going for a few months! Yeah, you meant 30mg. ;)

These liquid sites sell for research only purposes.hopefully they will be around a long time.

Dick Candy

Oh, thanks MDC. Perhaps that is why I’m hard all the time (:

I still say the shit’s got coca in it. Does it really come from India or Peru?

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

BG, I know what you are saying about the liquid C, the taste, the drip, the rapid heart beat, but I really doubt it would have any cocaine type derivitives. That stuff is expensive, REALLY illegal, and doesn’t do any good for erections, so why put it in there?

I have read plenty about the liquid C on this website, and I am a happy owner of about 160 ml right now. But I have not read anything about liquid V. Who has tried it?
I see that CTD research sells it. I’m tempted.

Mravg, I have used it,It’s good stuff.CTD also has a viagra/cialis mixture, that I prefer.I stack the two quite often, usually when in pill form I stack 10 mg taldafil and 50mg of sildenafil citrate, talk about a prolonged erection,It turns me into the energizer bunny LOL.

My urologist says stacking sildenafil with tadalafil is a bad idea, that not only is it dangerous but the two drugs counter one another much in the same way aspirin counters ibprophen. She’s probably right about the danger but I’m not so sure about the countering part. I sometimes stack them and have found they work very well at keeping me harder longer, but I have noticed taking these two drugs together makes it hard to come, thus making the stack good for edging exercises, but not so good for sex. It also fucks with my eyes more.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Hard to come compared to either drug alone? I think they both delay orgasm to some extent, but Viagra more than Cialis. If the combo amplifies this effect, it could be considered a positive thing depending on your situation.

Originally Posted by mravg
Hard to come compared to either drug alone? I think they both delay orgasm to some extent, but Viagra more than Cialis. If the combo amplifies this effect, it could be considered a positive thing depending on your situation.

I’ll consider myself fortunate that neither viagra or cialis delays my orgasms. I can cum when I feel like it when using either.

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Originally Posted by goanindigo
Has someone got an idea how to obtain Cialis receptfree overhere in Europe / German rules want a doctor reccomendation, thanks!

kitsnmore ship to Europe - at a price

I’ve tried Viagra in the past and it seems to make me look flushed. My neck and upper torso seem to get a bit red. Since Cialis (tadalafil) is supposedly effective over the course of three days, surely I shouldn’t expect to look flushed red for 3 days as though I just took Viagra, correct? I’d be curious to hear what others have experienced using this particular flavor of ED medicine. It’s something I’d like to consider during those recovery days when erections just aren’t 100%, but I don’t want to be walking around looking like a beet all week long.

I notice the flush more with V than with C. Viagra makes my eyes puffy and head stuffy. I don’t notice this as much with the Calis. The V. gives a harder erection, but the C lasts longer. The one thing I’ve noticed about both drugs is sex is usually better the second day, and they seem to work best when you haven’t taken them for a while. 30mg dose of the liquid C on Monday and Friday seems to be the perfect weekly dose for me. I only stack the two for special sexual encounters. (Marathon sex)

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I have read the thread on this liquid form. To tell you guys my experience I only have tried the JELLY version called Kamagra which is the jelly version for Viagra and Apcalis for Cialis. With these jellies. I won’t have to worry if I should have the Tablets before or after meals. They are eficient even after plenty of good substantial meal. I prefer the Kamagra though. Anyway these jelly versions don’t give me blush, headache, puffy eyes like the original tablet forms. But for me the effect doesn’t last many days like the tablet forms. I don’t mind though cause I’d rather not have the side effects. And as they are so cheap I can take as may as one sachet a day if I want to.

The first two times I tried liquid cialis I had very hard spontaneous erections and morning wood for 2 or 3 days after I took it. But these last two times I’ve taken it I haven’t noticed anything at all. No erections or anything. I guess I became immune to it very quickly. There’s another wad of cash shot to hell.

So in France they put this shit in jelly. :-k : What will be next, a suppository? Do you need a prescription in France for this ED jelly? Also you say it is cheap, how cheap?

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


Originally Posted by Formula1

The first two times I tried liquid cialis I had very hard spontaneous erections and morning wood for 2 or 3 days after I took it. But these last two times I’ve taken it I haven’t noticed anything at all. No erections or anything. I guess I became immune to it very quickly. There’s another wad of cash shot to hell.

How many days between doses?

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


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