Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

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I did but she like didnt seem like she believed me so I don’t really know what else to say other then the fact that I still feel very hurt, maybe I’m just overreacting but after putting in so much effort I would expect just a little bit more then what I got from her.


What kind of effort have you put in? You mean PE, or something else? Certainly, you have a great size; no woman could be disaapointed with that.

Maybe she just doesn’t want you being too “cocky” about your cock.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Yeah, PE work Modesto. I felt like I did it to impress a girl like her, but now it seems I should of been doing it only for me and my own happiness because in the end f*ck them if they’re not happy with me.

(Excuse the language Thunder :( )

How do you know she’s not happy with you? Some women are just not into cocks. She might love you for some other reason.

Take my wife (please), for example. She knows that I do PE. She has handled and experienced my increased size and makes a lot more grunts during sex. But has she said anything flattering? No.

In fact, the other day, I was having trouble getting a condom to fit (it kept rolling up from the base). She asked me what was wrong and actually suggested that maybe the condom was too big!!! Shit. I corrected her and indicated that it was too small. She said, “oh,” benignly and with no emotion.

It is simply not within my wife’s emotional constitution to flatter someone on his penis. That’s just the way she is, and it has nothing to do with me.

Presumably, she loves me for other reasons (although sometimes it’s hard to tell).

If you need a lot of sexual affirmation, then maybe you should move on. Or, maybe you could just tell her that you’re the type of guy that needs to hear from her that she’s enjoying herself with you. If she can’t give you that, then you have to make a decision.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Virgin here!

I’ve been in two relationships, both with girls who are virgins. My ex told me “your bulge against my thighs feels much bigger than my ex’s”.

Then the girl I’m with now told me her ex was bigger. She had the misfortune of walking in on him with his pants off and an erection (being a good Christian girl nothing happened), but she assures me he was hung. However, he is much shorter than me (I’m 6’6) and is VERY skinny.

She was being pretty objective about it and I wasn’t hurt at all. Luckily I’m pretty secure. Last I measured, fully erect, I was 192mm (7.5in) BPEL and (5.5in) base EG. Don’t remember my mid and head EG, but it’s about a quarter inch smaller. Both measurements are accurate to the millimeter.

From both I’ve gotten comments like “huge cock” during dirty talk but I don’t take those to be objective comments.

Now, for the worse ones, in high school I’d always shower after practice and all the other guys made fun of me for having a small penis. I’m 6’6, and I remember one kind of rap song someone was making fun of me with, “His name is ****, what! He’s really tall, what! But you know what? What?! He’s extremely small!”

I laughed my ass off as at the time I was 7.2in BPEL and 5.25in mid EG, and I knew that both were decently well-endowed. I’ve always been a grower, not a shower. But still, yeah being so small flaccid combined with my height and the couple extra points I care is what made them make fun of me.

My wife tells me I’m ridiculous for trying to make it bigger, currently 7.25 bp x. 5.25. I told her I’ll stop pe’ing when she starts wanting it more than 1 time a month.

Can’t stand hearing how much I’m just the perfect size, but can’t get laid.

I recently started talking to a girl on Tinder. She had a bit of cheeky banter and it got increasingly sexual. She asked me If I had the right tool for the job. I said I’m 6.5 inches long and too girthy for regular rubbers if that’s good enough for ya. She messaged back 6.5 inches?? Pics or its a lie. So I’ve added her on WhatsApp, everything checks out with her. Definitely not a catfish and I posted her a couple of pictures.. She says my pics are stunning (my body isn’t too bad) and when I ask her about the size she thinks 6.5 inches long is huge. This girl is pretty awesome, very confident and it’s refreshing to chat with a woman who actually likes cock. She loves dick pics, that’s a new one to me. She has a high sex drive no doubt. She’s also got a good job and is very sexy. We’re meeting up in a couple of weeks.

Originally Posted by arkonner
I recently started talking to a girl on Tinder. She had a bit of cheeky banter and it got increasingly sexual. She asked me If I had the right tool for the job. I said I’m 6.5 inches long and too girthy for regular rubbers if that’s good enough for ya. She messaged back 6.5 inches?? Pics or its a lie. So I’ve added her on WhatsApp, everything checks out with her. Definitely not a catfish and I posted her a couple of pictures.. She says my pics are stunning (my body isn’t too bad) and when I ask her about the size she thinks 6.5 inches long is huge. This girl is pretty awesome, very confident and it’s refreshing to chat with a woman who actually likes cock. She loves dick pics, that’s a new one to me. She has a high sex drive no doubt. She’s also got a good job and is very sexy. We’re meeting up in a couple of weeks.

Awesome man, she sounds like a cool chick. Hope you rock her world with your girth

I have a story that’s more on the negative side. My measurements are 6”x4.25” BPEL so I have somewhat of a pencil dick. For most girls, it feels like I’m not going deep/filling them up enough, especially when they’re riding me cowgirl. They’re pretty aware of things and don’t say anything about my size, probably because they don’t want to offend me. I’ve never asked about it because I don’t want to look insecure. I was always aware that I’m undersized but one hookup really confirmed it for me. After we had sex, she told me something along the lines of “I have a hard time finding guys whose penis is the right size for me and yours is just right” which I took to mean that I was smaller than all the other guys. She was a small girl so I think she was genuinely looking for a smaller guy and trying to be kind about it, but it got me thinking another way- have girls been picking up on my lack of size this whole time? Like in every social interaction are they aware that I’m undersized and treating me differently for it? Seems like women can smell a big dick from a mile away, so surely they pick up on if you have a small dick too. Being short (5’7”) probably contributes to it a lot. Anyway, I didn’t see her again for other reasons and now I’m here, hoping to make some gains.

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