Thunder's Place

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Epilator for guys

Epilator for guys

Everyone talks about shaving and tweezing their pubes.
For quite a while iv been growing hair quite a way up my shaft and this has been really bothering me.
Iv tried shaving but this just makes it look worse, I hate the resultant stubble and it also irritates my GF when we have sex.
Tweezing is just extremely time consuming!
Has anyone tried epilating? Any ideas, feedback would be really appreciated!


Do you have a high pain tolerance?

Based on the wife’s grimaces, and curses, I’d keep it away from big Jim and the twins…..

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

I have used an epilator several times, and have a few words about them.

- Don’t use one on your nuts. It will eat your nuts for lunch I did find that the sides of the scrotum can be epilated if held taut, but not the rest.

- Don’t expect perfect results. A lot of the hairs will be broken off rather than plucked by the tweeser heads, so they will grow back sooner than expected.

- Expect to bleed at least a little almost every time you use one. I also find that ingrowns seem to be a bigger problem than other methods.

But in the end, I prefer it to shaving.

Not perfect but it works pretty well. To get that baby smooth feel shave with a regular razor after. I use it for maintenance and only do a close shave if I feel the boys might see some action - which is never.

I do NOT represent this company and I am NOT endorsing the product. Just saying it works for me.
http://www.shav …

-Start: NBPL 5.75" x 5.5" EG-

-Goal: NBPL 7" x 6"-

Thanks for the replys guys.

MDC which 1 do you use?

How did you deal with ingrown hairs?


Since the fall I have been trying to get ahead of hair growth. It seems ingrown hairs had been derailing campaigns, either under the all day cock ring or in the full package pump area.

After shaving, lazering, waxing, an unfortunate experience with Nair and more plucking I care to admit to I picked up an Epilator. The Phillips Satinelle.

Out of the box it looked pretty scary, in fact it sat in the drawer quite a while till one morning a few weeks ago when I got the gumption to give it a good go.

There was blood, but nothing too serious that didn’t clear up quickly. It is not perfect, be sure to shave and only try to epilate at the recommended length. 4mm or at least day or so of growth.

It was somewhat uncomfortable at first, and you need to be careful around the scrotum and shaft, but it works a lot quicker than plucking.

I am on a break from pumping since March and am not sure when I will resume. I have been wearing the full package cock ring a lot and doing a light cock ring type clamping and edging routine and have been hanging like never before.

I just did my third go at epilating after letting it grow in twice and attacked my whole mom’s pubis this time and it is super smooth.

Plucking is still necessary particularly for broken hairs, but the ingrown hairs seem to be less than with shaving.

No more uncomfortable after than the day after a close shave and it starts growing in.

I have been spraying the area with alcohol after and this does sting a bit and while there is some redness it has been gone mostly by the next day.

I have a beard, but am even thinking about using it on parts of my neck, face, arms, back and biceps I don’t want to have to shave anymore.

I was surprised this was the only thread on Epilation. The word Epilator and it’s derivatives are not even in the forum’s dictionary. I had to check the box make sure I was spelling it right!

Follow my progress here:

Viking Guy's pumping adventure

I’d like to get rid of a lot of hair from pubes, chest and stomach, and it’s hard. I’ve used an electrolysis machine and it is veeeeeery painful, especially in the pubic area.

I got one of the relatively inexpensive ($75 on Amazon) at home IPL devices ( like laser, but it’s just very bright pulses of light) and have been using it to permanently remove the hairs on my shaft and balls.

It seems to be working.

I use it without the various tinted guards that are for “sensitive” areas, and I use it on max power. I will keep it on the same spot for 3 pulses in a row. Usually, the first pulse is painless, the second stings, and the third stings pretty good.

You shave closely first, then use the device, and repeat it twice a week for 6-8 weeks, then go down to 1 x per week.

I’ve been using it for 5-6 weeks and I’ve noticed that I no longer see any hairs on my shaft or balls. Totally naked. I still feel the tinyest stubble right before my next session, but the hairs look invisible.
I got a couple of ingrown hairs the first 3 weeks, but I haven’t gotten a single one since then.

I’m fairly certain that if I keep going for another few weeks, all the hair on my shaft and balls will be permanently gone. For how long after that I have no idea, but so far it seems to be working as well as I could have expected.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
I got one of the relatively inexpensive ($75 on Amazon) at home IPL devices ( like laser, but it’s just very bright pulses of light) and have been using it to permanently remove the hairs on my shaft and balls.

It seems to be working.

I use it without the various tinted guards that are for “sensitive” areas, and I use it on max power. I will keep it on the same spot for 3 pulses in a row. Usually, the first pulse is painless, the second stings, and the third stings pretty good.

You shave closely first, then use the device, and repeat it twice a week for 6-8 weeks, then go down to 1 x per week.

I’ve been using it for 5-6 weeks and I’ve noticed that I no longer see any hairs on my shaft or balls. Totally naked. I still feel the tinyest stubble right before my next session, but the hairs look invisible.
I got a couple of ingrown hairs the first 3 weeks, but I haven’t gotten a single one since then.

I’m fairly certain that if I keep going for another few weeks, all the hair on my shaft and balls will be permanently gone. For how long after that I have no idea, but so far it seems to be working as well as I could have expected.

I would love to get rid of hairs on balls, shaft, butt cheeks and Venus mount, too. If the device you have works, I’d be happy to give it a try. What name can I find it under on amazon?

Originally Posted by Don Quijote
I would love to get rid of hairs on balls, shaft, butt cheeks and Venus mount, too. If the device you have works, I’d be happy to give it a try. What name can I find it under on amazon?

Just search for IPL hair removal on Amazon. There are tons of Chinese clones from many “brands”, as well as more expensive actual name brands. Just read the reviews and find one that has been reviewed thousands of times and has a score of 4.5 or higher.

Most devices have a “cooling” function, which can be useful since the device does heat up a lot after a while of using it. For instance, one session all over my shaft and balls takes me about 12-15min . If I was doing more areas, it would take even longer and it would get even hotter. By taking a 30 sec break and setting it to cool, it will make the tip nice and cold again. You can also cool a spot you treated like that (it’s a peltier element).

It works best if your skin tone is light and your hairs are dark. The more contrast between your skin and your hair, the more effective it is.

You have to shave very closely before each session. If you have stubble, it will hurt more (the stubble heats up), and it won’t be as effective, so you gotta shave carefully.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in


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