Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Let's talk ears and the tongue

Let's talk ears and the tongue

I have been brought to super-intense orgasm many times by having my partner just ‘make love’ to my ears. The reverse is also true- I have brought women to orgasm just by ‘tonguing’ their ears. Anyone else find this to be true? If not, experiment with it and let me know what you find out.

If you do a lot of licking or using your tongue all over the body there is something I was told by one of my lovers that has improved my love life a lot. When you use your tongue make sure it is a ‘dry’ tongue. I usually just suck all the saliva out of my mouth and swallow it before I use it and repeat as it gets ‘wet’ again. This particular lover told me a ‘wet’ tongue turns women completely off- and yes, it is conversation material between women. Just thought I’d throw this out for your thoughts or comments :)

I enjoy having my ears kissed and caressed, but do not, and never have enjoyed having a tongue stuck in there wet or dry. This is an area for discussion between partners, some like it, some don’t.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


I had one live in who LOVED it.

My last GF HATED it

I guess that is an average of OK


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