Thunder's Place

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Is there anyone who is working on reducing penis sensitivity

Since I started PE, I can feel the reduction is sensitivity and it’s awesome, can last longer. Though erections are even better.

Is there any way / ways to reduce it even further ( except the glans)

There are a number of threads discussing sensitivity, both how to increase it and how to decrease it. Use the search function and “sensitivity” to find them.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by userM2022
Is there anyone who is working on reducing penis sensitivity
Since I started PE, I can feel the reduction is sensitivity and it’s awesome, can last longer. Though erections are even better.
Is there any way / ways to reduce it even further ( except the glans)

Hey bro, I made thread titled “any tips for desensitizing the penis”.

In it I described what tips I have found in taoist books and on the internet.

Moral of the story is hit the damned sensitive pussy till he learns to take a lot of punishment, when he does get used to being beaten up he will take much longer time till you need to ejaculate.

Hit him at the thighs, at your open palm, hold half erect behind the head and hit that sensitive underside close to the base.

Hit, hit, hit for months to come, I hit him 1 hour a day, most often in 2 sets and sometimes for 1 hour straight.

Three weeks of this and something like 40% sensitivity is gone, can’t wait to have 2-3 months of this penis conditioning, at this rate I wil attain total ejaculation control.

Although sensitivity is only the part of ej process, knowing the right time to hold reverse kegel or kegel pumping to empty the genitals from tension that causes you to ej.

Tips are many, but definitely best advices come ftom Mantak Chia books: multi orgasmic man and other book titled taoist secrets of love

Put .pdf next to the titles and you’ll find them on the internet

Originally Posted by jocacar
Hey bro, I made thread titled “any tips for desensitizing the penis”.

In it I described what tips I have found in taoist books and on the internet.

Moral of the story is hit the damned sensitive pussy till he learns to take a lot of punishment, when he does get used to being beaten up he will take much longer time till you need to ejaculate.

Hit him at the thighs, at your open palm, hold half erect behind the head and hit that sensitive underside close to the base.

Hit, hit, hit for months to come, I hit him 1 hour a day, most often in 2 sets and sometimes for 1 hour straight.

Three weeks of this and something like 40% sensitivity is gone, can’t wait to have 2-3 months of this penis conditioning, at this rate I wil attain total ejaculation control.

Although sensitivity is only the part of ej process, knowing the right time to hold reverse kegel or kegel pumping to empty the genitals from tension that causes you to ej.

Tips are many, but definitely best advices come ftom Mantak Chia books: multi orgasmic man and other book titled taoist secrets of love

Put .pdf next to the titles and you’ll find them on the internet

Thanks for the advice
Btw I am using that technique only
Multi orgasmic man by mantak chia 😁
But good to see that it worked for u
I have started doing recently so may be I am gonna see the similar kind of effects in the coming months.

As someone with low sensitivity (probably from my circumcision?) (I basically don’t feel anything until I cum), I very much do not recommend it. EQ will suffer.

Then again, I'm a virgin so anything I say might be completely incorrect.

Originally Posted by Chonky
As someone with low sensitivity (probably from my circumcision?) (I basically don’t feel anything until I cum), I very much do not recommend it. EQ will suffer.

I have to disagree, if you don’t empty your balls you will have so much potency that you will need no physical stimulation in order to achieve amazing erections.

Right now on 22nd day of semen retention while masturbating every day and circulating that energy throughout the body, if you chase those 5-6 seconds of heightened arousal and then you go through 2-3 days of recovery then that is great waste of energy and vitality.

Also anyone may stop desensitizing at any point when he decides that it is enough, if one wants to increase sensitivity again then there is three tips

First is stop all touching for a few weeks and nerves will stop being accustomed to touch and react more.

Second tip is using warmth as in warming up before PE session for ten minutes few times a day.

Third is contracting pc muscle during sex(careful it may make you ejaculate)

Warmth is so effective in increasing sensitivity that I did not ever use it as I would ejaculate during simple jelqing.

And I have been aware of power of semen retention for 4 years now even before getting into PE.

My PE is done, 8 length 5.5 girth now sexual, health and energy mastery is on my to do list.

And semen retention is the key to all of those things and life in general.

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