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What about taoist sex?

What about taoist sex?

I’m just reading a book about taoist sex,

and it’s actually my first encounter with a subject like this,

altohough I have heard about it,knew something waguelly..

What they stress a lot is the subject of orgasming without ejaculating,and keeping the seemen inside,refine the energy,etc..

I guess most of the guys are familiar with this fact about taoist sex,

but what about opinions?

The book also stress about masturbation like a sort of damaging way of spending the precious chi,which holds like” 30 % of our energy status”,which chi can actually be used for increasing conciuesness,improving health,avakening some latent abilities,

and also there the posibility for a man to be multyorgasmyc…

Anyway,me not having the any experience in all this,but sounds interesting,

what do you guys think about taoist way of making love?



tao massage

I have a book on Taoist Sexual massage and I like it.

It is more physical than pure Tantra but they are connected.

I want to use this on someone.

Anyone used the Tao massage technique

Sometimes referred to as Taiost sexual alchemy. Historically, Taoist alchemists sought to obtain immortality (and enlightenment), through a combination of sex, Qiu-gong, specific dietary and herbal practices, ect. I know people that are modern day Taoist alchemists. Sex wise, Tantric and Taoist sex practices are very similar. With the differences being in the areas of Philosophy and rituals used. All of the different Traditions that teach sacred sexuality, sex magick, etc. have their own flavor and style. They also all have access to the same repertoire of advanced techniques.Some schools of Tantra are big on sperm retention as well. They do a half way ejaculation. They ejaculate, but force it back up into the bladder. Also, Taoists will do special masturbation exercises. Its OK to masturbate, just don’t let that sperm get away.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

the taoist ways of sex are rather selfish in that they believed that ejaculating into a woman would drain your energy and give it to her, as if she was ‘stealing’ it or whatever.


But being able to hold off is a talent we should all spend alot of effort on learning, for the sake of our lovers. If you take nothing else from this book, learn good ejaculation control ;)

thanks guys for replying

Ok to masturbate,but without ejaculation,

I have to admit it does sounds like SF a bit,but talked to afriend that had practiced for a while,and for him it works,specially with the ejaculation thing control,he saild that now,whenever he feels the moment is coming,he can just stop the process,and then go on.

I didn’t got the impression that holding the semen it selfish,

rather it gives you an oportunity to give your woman and your self much more extended pleasure,that can last for much longer,

but diferent somehow in quality and quantity:)

Just not sure,as in all practices in yoga,and tai chi,how would this thing be learned only from a book,without actual master(masteress:) ,

because I don’t have to be an expert to realise that this things if you get involved are not that naive at all.

Do you guys think it’s possible to cultivate this practices only from a book?



What I meant by selfish was that the original philosophy wasnt to be able to last longer and please your woman more…

the original idea I believe was of selfish motivation - to keep all your energy and not waste any on any insignificant woman…

quite the opposite wouldnt you say?

Taoist Techniques Work

Hey Guys,

All I can say is that Taoist Techniques work very, very, well once learned, and learned properly.

I have been practicing them for years and can assure you they are incredible and work very well for those who have the patience to learn them and practice them.

Anyone interested in them?

I have researched them some, but I haven’t taken the time necessary…I’ve had the occasionally orgasm without ejaculation where I am able to continue, but haven’t really, really gotten into it.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL


Ya PenisPriest

Point me to someplace to learn more about them -



about techiques

is it easy to learn it just like that from a book?

and penispreast,how far have you gotten into the taoist sex

and the taoist practice?




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