Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

7x5.5 Is The New 8x6. Downsides Of Having A Huge Dick

I’m 7x6, so I can’t comment on issues with huge length. Girth-wise, I don’t see 6 inches as being that much of a challenge, but I’ve been with the same girl for 18 years and don’t have a clue what most women want, need, or can handle.

My wife is pretty good with what I’ve got and certainly manages it well without a lot of preparation. She’s also one of those girls who wants that first thrust to be deep and authoritative; she’s not generally a hard banger until just before orgasming, but she always wants to be pinned to the bed at first. So I don’t see that 6 inches in girth is excessive, considering that she likes it all in without a chance for her to relax around it all. And 7 in length is certainly manageable for her as well. Banging against the cervix is something to avoid, but I think it hurts me more than her. She’s pretty pointy up there.

Originally Posted by quim92
Navydick. You say you were once 5 inches. What is you experience with PE. What gain you got? Is like over 2 inches length gain!!

Monochrome, is your gf a big viking? I like those girls and I’m kinda afraid 6.5 x 5.2 won’t be enought to please them!!
Have you had problems with that dick with other girls?

Haha.. big viking?? Far from big..

I have experienced some negative but mostly positive sex with girls.

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Originally Posted by NavyDick
What I’m trying to say in a nut shell is, it’s better to undershoot than to overshoot ur PE goals.

Just remember: Thunder’s penis enlargement exercises are free. He charges big bucks for the reduction exercises.

Originally Posted by UM1991
if you’ve spent any time on this forum you should know where this thread is headed.

Nailed it: “I want the biggest any partner has ever had” “I want to see fear in there eyes when they first see it” “I want them to scream in pain” It always amazes me just how many guys say stuff like that.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Last edited by iamaru : 07-07-2014 at .

Originally Posted by iamaru
Nailed it: “I want the biggest any partner has ever had” “I want to see fear in there eyes when they first see it” “I want them to scream in pain” It always amazes me just how many guys say stuff like that.

Period! ;)

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

All women are different, but you would be surprised at how much cock most women can take. If you have a big dick, you definitely can’t barge in like a bull in a china shop (unless she likes that sort of thing). But with enough attention and foreplay, it seems most women will take at least 8x6 while loving every minute of it. I’m currently 8x5.6 and my wife loves it. That said, I can tell she can take at least a little more size, particularly girth. Some women really do like a little “put the fear of God in her” with their fucking. I want her to feel like she’s pushing her limits a little, like it’s a real accomplishment when she can take my cock like a pornstar.

Originally Posted by NavyDick
Yes, I agree with you. But they are not girls. Women has the last say. I’m 7 inches plus and lemme tell you, being nearly 8 inches have it’s perks, but if you was a little smaller you can enjoy more with more women. The women said so according to the various dildo sites I visited. But there are exceptions to every rule. I’m in the navy and travel the world and fucked girls around the world and I can tell you from experience, a 5.5EG is a nice size for a majority of woman. Not saying woman can’t enjoy a bigger dick, I’m just saying you will be able to fuck more girls with a 7x5.5 than an 8x6

Why would you compare your penis to a dildo? They’re not gonna chop off you dick and try to thrust it themselves. They just can’t relax and insert a dildo inside themselves at the same time. That’s just not an optimal setting. Plus it won’t be the same hardness. Nor necesserily the same shape. not the same curve. Nor can they recreate the positions by themselves. A dildo is a dildo and a penis is a penis. Masturbation is solo work and sex is duo work. I will trust guys like Tithleist who says his wife can take his almost 10x7 rather than believe some extrapolation based on the theory penises and dildos are equivalent.

start stats :7.7x5.8 (2014-06-02 ) / Short term goal : 8x6 (achieved on 2014-06-14 and 2014-04-23 respectively)

Mid term goal : 8.5x6.5 (achieved on 2020-06-21 after 6 years break.)

Long term goal : 9x7

Originally Posted by quim92
Navydick. You say you were once 5 inches. What is you experience with PE. What gain you got? Is like over 2 inches length gain!!

Monochrome, is your gf a big viking? I like those girls and I’m kinda afraid 6.5 x 5.2 won’t be enought to please them!!
Have you had problems with that dick with other girls?

Yes, but when I started PE I was 230 plus and now I’m 209 with abs, 6’1. So I think some length came from me getting rid of that fat pad, maybe an inch.

Originally Posted by Ferservadu2
I’m 7x6, so I can’t comment on issues with huge length. Girth-wise, I don’t see 6 inches as being that much of a challenge, but I’ve been with the same girl for 18 years and don’t have a clue what most women want, need, or can handle.

My wife is pretty good with what I’ve got and certainly manages it well without a lot of preparation. She’s also one of those girls who wants that first thrust to be deep and authoritative; she’s not generally a hard banger until just before orgasming, but she always wants to be pinned to the bed at first. So I don’t see that 6 inches in girth is excessive, considering that she likes it all in without a chance for her to relax around it all. And 7 in length is certainly manageable for her as well. Banging against the cervix is something to avoid, but I think it hurts me more than her. She’s pretty pointy up there.

Good for you bro, I’m just saying bigger is not always better, as I’m almost 8 inches. But if you have a girl that can take it, that’s great!

Originally Posted by Belli Devs

Why would you compare your penis to a dildo? They’re not gonna chop off you dick and try to thrust it themselves. They just can’t relax and insert a dildo inside themselves at the same time. That’s just not an optimal setting. Plus it won’t be the same hardness. Nor necesserily the same shape. Not the same curve. Nor can they recreate the positions by themselves. A dildo is a dildo and a penis is a penis. Masturbation is solo work and sex is duo work. I will trust guys like Tithleist who says his wife can take his almost 10x7 rather than believe some extrapolation based on the theory penises and dildos are equivalent.

Good, but you completely ignored the fact that I, have an 8 incher, and writing from personal experience. Tithleist has a girl that can handle him, and that’s great. But I’m not as big as he, and I have run into problems with my length and girth. I’m extrapolating from the dildo website and from my own experience. As I said there will be girls that can take it. But I’m saying it better to be a great size rather than be too damn big where you can do certain positions.

Originally Posted by NavyDick
Hey guys. I’m new to this site and viewed a couple of threads, and it seems to me 97% of guys here would love to get that 8x6 monster dick. I don’t know why, as I believe most girls would find this size to be quite painful if not fully aroused. At 8 inches, the positions you can do without putting the fear of god in her is few. Like many of guys favorite position, doggy style. Now how many girls can honestly take the whole 8 inches, with her back arched? I remember being 5 inches long and some girls would never arch their back, they would round it out cause they was scared I was gonna hit their cervix. I love seeing their backs arched cause it like their saying, “this ass is all yours. Come pound this pussy.” I love the feeling of them also being able to take all of me, cause that mean my whole dick gets the pleasure, and not like some guys who will always have 1-2 inches of dry dick left out in the cold cause they are too long. Also because they are all curled up, it’s not as exciting cause you can’t go all the way in, and you know they are not enjoying it, which should be your goal.

And for the six inch girth. Most woman can Handle a 6EG if fully aroused. But how long does it take them to get aroused? Quickies are almost out of the question. And getting oral can suck (literally and figuratively) because the girl has to open her mouth so wide, and she gets mouth fatigue. Also if you are long, 3-4 inches of your dick will never know the feeling of getting sucked. I don’t know many girls that can deepthroat an 8 incher. But if you find a girl that can, god bless you brother. ;)

Plus you run the risk of sex being a job instead of pleasure, and taking orders. “Go slower, not too fast, your too deep” and stuff like this. I don’t wanna hear that shit. I wanna hear “deeper, harder faster!” Hell yes. I don’t wanna have in the back if my mind “make sure you don’t go too deep in this position” and so forth.

Today I went on dildo websites and the highest selling on nearly all was in fact 8x6, but the BEST REVIEWS were the ones at 6.5 to 7x5.5 BY FAR. For the 8x6 some girls said it felt great. Most said they thought they could handle it but it was way too large. The 6 and a half to 7x5.5, most of the reviews said it was a GREAT size for alone, quick sessions or some rough sex with their girlfriends. Most said it’s big but not big enough to where they worry about their partners going in too deep. They can take their mind off it, making them relax, wetter, and an overall better sexual experience.

Remember, if an 8x6 dick is big to you, it may look like an 9x7 to her. Guys are bigger than girls, so if you view something as big, they Will absolutely see it even bigger. Perfect example. Most girls look at these male celebs, like those twilight guys and say “wow! Look at their bodies! His chest/ arms are so big.” And you look like, what the fuck? They little! Not big at all!

The biggest reason I think you may not want that 8x6 is, if you meet a girl you really like. She’s a ten. Beautiful face, nice tits and ass. Doesn’t dress slutty but looks sexy for you. Girl you wanna marry. But when it’s time to get down to biz, you find out your way to large for her to the point y’all can’t have fortuitous sex. Y’all can’t be on a date at an expensive restaurant eating dinner and you tell her ” go meet me in the bathroom so I can tear that ass up” or she’s there brushing her teeth at your place, ass arched over the sink with nothing but her panties and a tank top on, and you grab her hair and kiss her neck and slipp it in. None of that. Y’all gotta plan that shit, which will make sex boring, and seem like a chore. Plus imagine the pain of her thinking, but never telling you, “he’s the biggest I ever had but I had a lot more fun with smaller guys and it wasn’t nearly as painful. Now I just have sex to get him off, but it’s just too painful for me.” That would suck huge donkey dick knowing a smaller guy got all up in that pussy like you will never be able too. And you would have to think, she will reminisce about past lovers.

So in closing, I would like to say be careful cause once you cement you gains there is no going back. There will always be an exception to every rule. Some girls would love that 8x6. But I believe MOST will like a 7x5.5 more You should try to shoot for an impressive dick, not an intimidating one. Cause if it’s intimidating, it can make them clinch up, and thinking about everything but what matters when having sex, and that’s having sex with no worries in the world.

I’m going for 8.5”x6 lol. Valid points dawg, don’t want to make gals bleed etc.. etc…, you said you don’t do BPEL, I didnt either at first but for the sake conformed people, what do you mean 7”? If I press my ruler gently i’ll hit 7.7”, and i’m not nearly satisfied with that… I could see with the whole girth thing though.

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

Bone pressed is for accurately tracking gains, not just for boosting ego. Using bone pressed from the start would have avoided the confusion of the 2.5” gain (or whatever it was) and showed you what and if you may have gained due to PE as opposed to what you gained from weight loss.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

A very interesting thread, to say the least.

I was married twice, once widowed, once divorced and have been with a total of approximately a dozen women. I realize that that is not a large number compared with some others around here.

My measurements before PE were: BPEL 8.1 inches, MSG 6.25, and BG 7.0. Only once did I have any problems with penetration with a woman. That was with a young Puerto Rican in San Juan years ago. She saw my size and flatly refused anything sexual. She was a prostitute. She did not offer any refund either LOL.

Each woman to whom I was married, the first for 36+ years and the second for 6+ years very much enjoyed sex with me. As a matter of fact with great frequency, for periods of up to an hour at times. The second one would be extremely wet before anything was begun, most of the time.

I have never received much oral sex, but I came to accept that as a part of my sex life.

The first one only climaxed with clitoral stimulation. The second with either clitoral or vaginal stimulation, but she much preferred the latter. She told me that her previous husband was a bit longer, but not nearly as thick, and that she liked my thickness very much.

The last woman I was with was hesitant at first, but finally accepted my penetration. She had previously been with a friend of mine who is 7 x 5. She said that she thought that he was very large. He is the one who introduced us. In the end she commented as to how much she had enjoyed sex with me.

I have gained a bit of size in all measurements in the 20 months I have been at Thunders. I was at another site previous to joining here.

I am not intending to be coming across as bragging. What I had at the outset 20 months ago was naturally given.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

Last edited by restored91 : 07-08-2014 at . Reason: left something out


Listen bro, I get what your saying. 7 inches just isn’t enough. I’m at 7.5 and let me tell you, it sucks trying to get that last 2 inches in. I think its more painful and tedious for me than it is for her, because that last two inches just isn’t suppost to be that far in there. My point is this, if a woman is truly your’s she will be there, from 2-18 inches or whatever your initial goal is to be. She will get used to it and if you are faithful she will be too. My Goal is to put the fear of god into this broad, and until she tells me she can’t take it anymore I’m going to keep pulling until I’m just a big fat dickhead. Ladies calling me that will ONLY provoke me. I’m sorry 10 inches isn’t enough. And if your going to measure girth use a fucking ruler, you pussy. Thunder, out.

I agree with you, NavyDick. Based on my experiences having over 8x6, I believe that if a guy simply wants the best, most versatile sex life with the widest variety of women, 7x5.5 is more than enough.

If a guy has settled down with a woman for whom 8x6 or more poses no hindrances on their sex life, then that’s one thing. But for most of us, aiming for 8x6 or greater is about male ego, as others have said in this thread. I recently wrote in another thread:

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
I think it’s very similar to bodybuilders who feel the need to create a body that is neither aesthetically/sexually appealing to most women nor functionally useful for most sports or other things in life. They’re doing it for its own sake. They want to be bigger than other guys, and as big as they can get.

I began PE thinking I was doing it to be able to pleasure my partners to the maximum. Now I think it’s been more about my narcissism and vanity :)

By the way, I’d say that although 8x6+ is larger than “ideal” for most women, and does create some tradeoffs in one’s sex life, being larger than ideal is not a dealbreaker or even a big deal for most women — in exactly the same way that a smaller-than-ideal-for-them dick is not a dealbreaker or a big deal to many women.

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I agree with Titleist. With the size at nearly 10x7, he and his wife are able to enjoy his size just fine. For me, being 8x6.5, my gf is able to take my size just fine (and she gives great oral). There is a fit for every dick and every vagina (and even every mouth) out there. You just gotta find it.

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log


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