Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

.... do differently?

.... do differently?

Hi friends,

Knowing what you know now, what would you do differently if you were starting out fresh?

For me, I would try hanging and clamping earlier. Clamping and hanging have been very safe for me because the forces i apply to my dick seem more consistent. I feel they are safer than manual PE. I’ve had negative PIs when I used to do manual PE. A few times I would have to wait many hours, even a whole day (2 days once) before I can get a 100% erection. But i have not had these problems since I stopped doing manual PE. This could be because I am experimenting with the lesser side of things.

1)clamping - 2-5 minute sets
2)hanging - 2.5lbs max

I do both throughout the day whenever i have a chance, MWF. I rest on THSS.

Your thoughts?

I would never pulled so hard with the Jes. NEVER.


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