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Penis Enlargement Skeptic?

I believe because my cock is bigger now than it was when I started. If you don’t want to do it, then don’t; Otherwise try it and find out for yourself

Bpel: 7.625

Mseg: 5.125

FSL: 8.125

Originally Posted by only 6.5

….. I was just reading some guys post I think he name it (does PE work no!) he got a lot of back lash for it. But if take away all the nasty thing said to him and smart remarks. …

The guy who you are speaking of, was him starting insulting people who did believe PE does work.

I’ve changed my signature because of this thread.

Originally Posted by only 6.5

Why do so many people trust in PE and believe in it so much? I mean don’t know if it really works or not to just join a site and start stretching and pulling on your penis with your hands or some device when you have no proof that it works.

Well first off, our membership numbers are misleading in that regard. Lots of guys join but never actually do PE or only play around with it for a short time. So the question is actually how/why did those of us that invested some serious time into PE and stuck around the forums make the decision. Was it a leap of faith, desperation, boredom, crazy; what?

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by Flak2187
I believe because my cock is bigger now than it was when I started. If you don’t want to do it, then don’t; Otherwise try it and find out for yourself

This also is the reason I believe in PE.

My cock is considerably larger than when i started ~jan of this year.

Try it for yourself, why do you need someone to prove anything to you? Prove it to yourself.

I have achieved my short term goals 7 x 6++ 17.78cm bpelx 15.2cm mseg 17.1cm beg...

long term goal 8 x current girth

Originally Posted by Flak2187

I believe because my cock is bigger now than it was when I started. If you don’t want to do it, then don’t; Otherwise try it and find out for yourself

That’s cool and all but before it got bigger and you had no ideal about the world of p.e and what it would soon do for you. Why or what made you believe in it or did you was it just a state of desperation?

I'm having trouble reconciling all the contradictory claims of PE methods

I think it’s obvious that pills, etc. Don’t work. If they worked, they would seek FDA recognition for their claims. Additionally, their claims are often ridiculous — three inches in three weeks? Hah.

I’m not sure how I feel about jelqing. Yes, it’s free, and I honestly can’t think of a motivation for the members of this site to all lie about their results, but I also don’t understand why we haven’t seen at least one peer-reviewed article by a doctor supporting it. I recognize that jelqing would be difficult to monetize, but universities and the government frequently fund pure research with no apparent financial applications, and the cost of a study on jelqing would be significantly inferior to that of, say, a study on chemotherapy.

I feel pretty sure that extenders can be used to increase length. Andropenis provides links to studies that indicate their users achieved a large average increase in erect length over the course of 6 months, and that these results were persistent. Also, the science behind it seems sound — see neck binders, gauged earrings, etc. So I bought an Andropenis. But they also claim that using their extender can result in an increase in girth, and I can’t for the life of me see how that could happen. Also, I’ve seen members on here argue that extenders do jack-all for girth.

Also, I’m curious as to what the max length gain would be with an extender, roughly. I know every person is different and it’s impossible to make a hard-and-fast claim about my results, but my current functional (NBP) erect length is 5.5-5.7 inches. I hope to reach at least 7, but I might like to keep going past that. At what point, on average, do gains from extenders start to level off?

Thank you so much for creating and participating in this community.

Yours, etc.

I guess you can see people claiming everything and the adverse of everything on any subject anywhere on the net, so it is crucial to make use of your critic sense. Beside that, there is large variability between people, some have length gains with clamping others have their length gains stopped by clamping, just to make an example.

I doubt extenders can give girth gains to the vast majority of people. Noose style extenders can give a slight increase in girth just under the glans, although it is hard to explain how this can happens.

I think you have high chances to gain anywhere 0.5”-1” in length with an extender, giving it enough time. More than that, I’m doubious, you could but you should take very long breaks, at least 6 months probably more. That holds true for any kind of PE exercise IMO.

You’ll gain faster using manual exercises at the beginning, than with an extender; beside that manual exercises will improve girth and functionality, where extenders will do nothing if not be counterproductive for EQ.

Andropenis has provided peer-reviewed studies that support their claim of girth increase, though. And I’m still not sure why I haven’t seen peer-reviewed studies supporting jelqing.

Any studies on the subject was posted here. I can remember only one showing a very slight increase in girth, right under the glans, and it was for a noose style extender.

Not all those studies can be taken much seriously, many of them are pretty much the manifacturer paying some doctor to find that their device works, and of course they did what they were paid for. One of the doctors paid to ‘study’ the jes extender was even prosecuted for fraud.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

Because jelqing has no sponsor and andropenis paid some broke doctor to do their “study”.

Peer review tends to cut down on that, though. And, again, with all these reports of jelqing working, why doesn’t some grad student perform a study? Scientists are always eager to upset the status quo; it’s how they make names for themselves.

Bro, sorry if I sound rude but those are pretty naive views. Anyway if you have so much faith on extenders and not on jelqing, why just don’t use an extender? You are starting to sound a sterile argumentative guy if not an extender advertiser.

Originally Posted by ForOneDayOnly
Peer review tends to cut down on that, though. And, again, with all these reports of jelqing working, why doesn’t some grad student perform a study? Scientists are always eager to upset the status quo; it’s how they make names for themselves.

Do you have a link to an extender study that was actually peer reviewed?

What are studying in school Johnny? I am doing a study on enlarging my dick. Put that on your resume.

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Originally Posted by marinera
Bro, sorry if I sound rude but those are pretty naive views. Anyway if you have so much faith on extenders and not on jelqing, why just don’t use an extender? You are starting to sound a sterile argumentative guy if not an extender advertiser.

I don’t intend to come across as a shill for andropenis or any other extenders. I was drawn into PE by a TIME article indicating that extenders had peer-reviewed support, and I have a lot of faith in the scientific method. Also, my extender is a pain in the ass to wear, and if jelqing works as well or better, I’d much rather do that.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Do you have a link to an extender study that was actually peer reviewed?

What are studying in school Johnny? I am doing a study on enlarging my dick. Put that on your resume.

The British Journal of Urology, in particular, is well-respected. And yeah, some people would laugh, but for someone who wanted to be a urologist, that could be a career-making study.


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