Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

68 Days, 550 Hours, No Results.


68 Days, 550 Hours, No Results.

Hey everyone, hope you’re doing well.

To the topic: I have been wearing the Andropenis since February 1, started whit the 15 days of the adaptation period, and then moved to add length to the device as the manual suggests. It has been fine, I have worn the extender daily with no major problems. I had kept track of the use of the extender and got to the 550+ hours that I am today!.
After measuring I see no difference, maybe a 0,15” variation in length which I consider a margin error.

I do not want to be pessimistic but I’m starting to worry and I really don’t know what to do. I’ll keep using the device for at least 2 months but I’m really really hoping to get good results. What’s your advice? What should I have expected after 500 hours of use? What had been your experience after 2 months of use?


No hay ganancia sin sacrificio.

Make a Donation BP 15.9 - EG 13

Scale back, it’s time to deload. If I were you I’d take a week break minimum for my body to re-adjust back then start low. Make sure you warm up and occasionally get the blood flowing into your member. Also, believe it or not, psychology also plays a role in our gains, so if you’re too stressed you’ll affect your gains. If I recall correctly, stress is linked to cortisol which causes our body to eat itself by means of turning things into sugar (which explains why those who are chronically stressed out tend to develop diabetes and thus prone to heart attacks).

So all in all, proper rest, nutrition (some skin repair cream wouldn’t hurt either), and intensity should do the trick, oh and try to lower your stress levels (vitamin b-12 should resolve that, if you can try to get the organic b-12 not the synthetic). YMMV, as this seems to work the best for me, so take what I say with a pinch of salt.


Stress and Health | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Originally Posted by boris90
Hey everyone, hope you’re doing well.

To the topic: I have been wearing the Andropenis since February 1, started whit the 15 days of the adaptation period, and then moved to add length to the device as the manual suggests. It has been fine, I have worn the extender daily with no major problems. I had kept track of the use of the extender and got to the 550+ hours that I am today!.
After measuring I see no difference, maybe a 0,15” variation in length which I consider a margin error.

I do not want to be pessimistic but I’m starting to worry and I really don’t know what to do. I’ll keep using the device for at least 2 months but I’m really really hoping to get good results. What’s your advice? What should I have expected after 500 hours of use? What had been your experience after 2 months of use?


Don’t listen to the other guy over there. Look, I do not believe extender alone will case gains of any kind, I did used extender thrice: 1º vacuum (did not worked, no gains), 2º and 3º this Penis Extender SLIDER Kits - Large Diameter Basic, Hybrid or Deluxe and later bought upgrade rods and even after those upgrade rods, at 23cm+ BPFSL being stretched I need more upgrade rods to stretch even further, 4~5cm of BPFSL gains at that time.
I did 20~30 minutes of manuals (stretches) heated with IR lamp then I used extender, used the extender for 5 hours and half daily.
Another belief of mine is that extender gains comes through tunica, those gains fluctuates, as for extenders those gains come and go easy, so there is needed other tunica focused exercises to solidify it, for example A and V stretches (manuals), the best manual routine to do it alongside extenders is mem’s rapid gains mechanism (I am always talking about this routine).

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

Originally Posted by c3ifador
Don’t listen to the other guy over there. Look, I do not believe extender alone will case gains of any kind, I did used extender thrice: 1º vacuum (did not worked, no gains), 2º and 3º this Penis Extender SLIDER Kits - Large Diameter Basic, Hybrid or Deluxe and later bought upgrade rods and even after those upgrade rods, at 23cm+ BPFSL being stretched I need more upgrade rods to stretch even further, 4~5cm of BPFSL gains at that time.
I did 20~30 minutes of manuals (stretches) heated with IR lamp then I used extender, used the extender for 5 hours and half daily.
Another belief of mine is that extender gains comes through tunica, those gains fluctuates, as for extenders those gains come and go easy, so there is needed other tunica focused exercises to solidify it, for example A and V stretches (manuals), the best manual routine to do it alongside extenders is mem’s rapid gains mechanism (I am always talking about this routine).

Wow, always the hard truth hurts, but it’s better!!(and it’s honestly what I’m looking for)
Should I give up on the extender? Or do you think it is necessary to mix it with manuals?, at the moment I’m doing extender alone.

No hay ganancia sin sacrificio.

Make a Donation BP 15.9 - EG 13

Originally Posted by boris90

Wow, always the hard truth hurts, but it’s better!!(and it’s honestly what I’m looking for)

Should I give up on the extender? Or do you think it is necessary to mix it with manuals?, at the moment I’m doing extender alone.

Necessary to mix with manuals

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. I did not even read anything of your journal or routine, the moment I read you said "extender" and "no gains" I knew what was the matter.

About the manuals you are about to do alongside extender, jelq is not needed because in my opinion it is very hard to target the tunica with it, just good stretch sessions, get good at it.

started April 2017 BPEL 16,7cm x 13,3cm EG Last measurement BPEL 20 cm x 14,8 cm EG

My progress, thoughts and pictures

Rotated Penis? Unbalanced Ligaments? Lack of Gains through Manual Routine?

Originally Posted by c3ifador
Necessary to mix with manuals

I see.
I’ll try to incorporate some manuals.

Thank u very much c3ifador

No hay ganancia sin sacrificio.

Make a Donation BP 15.9 - EG 13

I have 570 hours with my extender and have not seen really noticeable results for length gains. The only time I gained length quickly was during covid when I was doing a purely manual program of stretching. I think the extender is good to help cement gains, and I hope for some additional gains, but I’m thinking of adding back my manual routine to my current routine.

Hello Boris. Is your stretched length in the extender much beyond your BPEL?

With great penis comes great responsibility

Originally Posted by Jigolo
Hello Boris. Is your stretched length in the extender much beyond your BPEL?

No, just there, I am stretching to just the same as my NBPEL. Got there this week, but I haven’t passed my BPEL.

Thinking that adding manuals it’s not gonna be an option at this time.

No hay ganancia sin sacrificio.

Make a Donation BP 15.9 - EG 13

Originally Posted by boris90
No, just there, I am stretching to just the same as my NBPEL. Got there this week, but I haven’t passed my BPEL.

Thinking that adding manuals it’s not gonna be an option at this time.

I think normally you won’t see your BPEL or NBPEL (assuming your fat pad remains the same) increase without first increasing your maximum flaccid stretched length. If you take your maximum length in the extender to be your maximum flaccid stretched length, that would suggest you probably need to be able to start extending/stretching beyond your current BPEL/NBPEL. It may take some time before you can do this but over time as you become conditioned, you should be able to stretch further in the extender and eventually surpass your BPEL/NBPEL which will hopefully follow.

With great penis comes great responsibility

Just chiming in to say at 318 hours since January 1st, 407.5 hours since November 1st. I’ve also seen no results. I’m extending at max tension. It’s disheartening to not realize any gains. I’ll push through to my new goal of 600 hours, but if no results are seen, I’m going to hang it up.

I’ve added length segments to the extender, but am realizing maybe it wasn’t do to increased stretch length, but the increased amount the extender was pushing into me.

The issue I have with extenders is that unless you by one of those digital force meters or have some way of gauging the tension. You could easily be extending at a force that’s way too high. I’m not sure how long all of you have been doing this, but using maximum force is usually not a good thing. Your body will adapt to the weight/force and essentially strengthen itself so that it’s optimized for that force. You don’t want your body doing this, as it will adapt to the force and not grow unless you can provide more force.

You want to apply force enough to grow without your body going into that defensive mode. I would suggest using an extender as a means of healing in a lengthened position maybe? You probably shouldn’t be doing maximum force or even that high of a force at all. There’s people in China who hang huge amounts of weight and they still have average penis size for their demographic. I think the record was 500 pounds? That should be an indication that more isn’t better.

Have you ever done manual stretches with maximum force? As hard as you can? You’re really not supposed to. There’s probably plenty of posts on the forums and other site forums that go into this in a far more scientific and thorough explanation, but I definitely would suggest not doing that.

Extenders work if there’s enough tension. The tension could be too low for inducing growth.

I slowed way down with just the extender, so I added a water pump, the basic Bathmate model, to my routine. I start with manual stretches, then do 3 sets of 5 water pumping sessions in a hot bath, then go into the extender. My penis is extremely pliable and stretchy at this point. My dick is 1/4" longer when it goes into the extender after pumping and then it holds at this length for the next hour. I’m seeing visual gains already. Heat and pre-stretching make a load of difference. Of course, that’s what everyone has been saying on this forum.

Qué tal compañeros, cómo marcha todo?

Quería preguntarles algo. En el último mes no he podido ser muy contacte con el extensor, y se vienen 3 meses más que serán aún más complejos por cambios laborales.

Quería preguntar. Si me detengo por completo ahora y en 3 meses retomo desde 0 será contraproducente??

Tengo la sensación de que una vez iniciando el proceso detenerlo solo causará que el cuerpo se adapte y sea más difícil crecer en el futuro (esto con el extensor) ustedes que opinan ??

No hay ganancia sin sacrificio.

Make a Donation BP 15.9 - EG 13

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