Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Has Static Stretching Worked for Anybody?

When using an ADS: As far as tension goes less is more. As far as time goes more is more.

I started in May of 06 at 6 3/4” x 6” BP. I did the standard newbie routine (jelqs and stretching) and by October I was at 7 1/4” to 7 1/2” x 6 1/4”. And that’s where I stayed. I was trying everything hanging, fulcrum hanging, O bends, ballooning, fowfers, and an ADS for short periods at very high tension, still jelqing and stretching. The only thing I got was a sore dick, no more growth.

So this April I adapted my ADS with a larger hanger head and started wearing it all day, 8:00am till bed time. I only took it off to have sex or go to the bathroom. I would start on very low tension and increase gradually all day long, sometimes backing it off and gradually increasing again. I am at the point where I feel naked with out it. Anyway, the composition of my member started to change. It is much more pliable when flaccid. It hung looser and would fold over in the middle which never happened before, still the same size though.

In mid May I started jelqing with horse squeezes and O-bends a couple times a day, ballooning a couple of times a week, hanging once or twice a week and stretching in the hot tub a couple of times a week. Still wearing the ADS for as much of the day as possible.

This weekend after a fulcrum hanging session I measured and I had hit the promised land 8” x 6 3/8”.

I get the feeling that it works like one of those long thin balloons that clowns make animals out of. You can blow on them until you blow an o-ring and nothing happens but stretch it a few times and it fills right up. I think keeping constant low tension prepared and loosed the tunica for whatever work out I was doing that day.

Originally Posted by Slack
Thats what tension is, low pressure, long time, if you dont understand how something works, you shouldnt be using it.

It was a perfectly valid question.

Nice input purple hammer!

Restarting everything.

Originally Posted by crabapple
…If you could get over the comfort factor, what is better, lots of tension or little. Logic would dictate more tension = more stretch, but this may be a bad thing, I don’t know.

Ultimately, lots of tension and a long time is probably the most effective - if this were practical or possible. Since we’re talking penis (penii, penises?), you are usually left with choosing one of the two. Time available and lifestyle dictates the choice each guy makes.

Personally, I think using both - just not at the same time - would be best. In other words, hang some and ADS the rest of the time.

Just a heads up for you guys. Keeping the penis extended 24/7 causes you to LOSE GAINS! Don’t do it.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Quite a bit of difference between bone, teeth and dick though.

Quite true. However, the bone distraction really focuses on growing the soft tissue. After all, the bone has been separated by a saw. The new bone begins to develop in the gap as a soft tissue and this material is stretched. Also, nerves, blood vessels and muscle all have to be stretched along with it.

With teeth, the issue is the tissue into which the teeth are anchored as well as the nerves. Meaning, it’s not so much that you’re moving teeth, but that they remain usable during the move. Therefore, softer tissues are required to adapt to the move.

This seems to be a recurring issue. It’s not so difficult to move the harder tissues without regard to other tissues, but the softer tissues appear to be the limiting factor for a successful move. I think this is why it can relate to penis enlargement.

Where is the evidence that keeping your penis extended 24/7 causes you to lose gains? I have only read the exact opposite, so it would be interesting to find out that the more time in an extender the worse. Is using an ACE bandage wrap bad now as well for traction purposes?

Originally Posted by Beginner91
Where is the evidence that keeping your penis extended 24/7 causes you to lose gains? I have only read the exact opposite, so it would be interesting to find out that the more time in an extender the worse. Is using an ACE bandage wrap bad now as well for traction purposes?

I did this for over 6 months dude. Trust me, I know. I’ll put my story up as soon as I can create a new post. I have my story at MOS so I’m surprised Jerry doesn’t know about it. Basically, my tissues got so fatigued that I ended up with the feeling of internal pressure, similar to wearing a cockring for too long, for days after I had stopped PEing. I lost a sizable amount of length and girth.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
You don’t see a difference there gerry? The bone is cut, new bone grows. Teeth are pushed into place, the soft tissues moves to accommodate the new location of the tooth.

A difference, yes. But in the case of bone distraction the new bone tissue is soft. They intentionally keep the cut bone at a certain distance in order to grow this new softer “bone” tissue between the cut. This new tissue is then stretched - simply because you can’t stretch bone tissue once it’s calcified.

The teeth are pushed, but the teeth themselves are of no consequence. Meaning, their hardness is irrelevant. It’s the tissue into which they anchor and those which are attached (nerves, vessels) which must truly accommodate the move.

Originally Posted by 10inchadvantage
…I have my story at MOS so I’m surprised Jerry doesn’t know about it. Basically, my tissues got so fatigued that I ended up with the feeling of internal pressure, similar to wearing a cockring for too long, for days after I had stopped PEing. I lost a sizable amount of length and girth.

I saw your report. Unfortunately, I think with PE we lack many of the benefits of “true science”. I’d like to know (as would anyone) what the true tension was. Meaning, until we know what a penis under X pounds of tension for Y number of hours does - we will never know the true effects of 24/7 or 16/7, etc…

The penis is such an elusive animal - changing shape - and density - all the time. Alas, we are relegated to our observations. To wit: I found that long periods of stretch had good results, whereas you found differently.


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