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Vacuum Hanging

Awstev…great post. Thanks for the input! What kind of gains have you seen?

Also, can you elaborate a little more on this?

“I cut up and use small makeup remover sponges to pack my taped glans as tightly as possible in the cap.”


Hi dlm4,

Originally Posted by dlm4
What kind of gains have you seen?

As far as gains from vac hanging are concerned, it is a tough question to answer. I started hanging (march 08 - primarily vac hanging) after 3 months of doing the newbie program. I got good and easy newbie gains, and I think that part of my early vac hanging gains were really newbie gains, and I would have got them doing almost anything.

By the time I had switched over to the bib (August 08), my gains had slowed down. For this year, I consistently measure a small, but measurable 1-2mm gain each month. I am now just starting to work on my 3rd inch of gains, so if I can keep getting 1-2mm a month, I will be very happy.

Over the past month I have added in more vac sets, and been more consistent with my extra vac sets, but I am still doing my main hanging work with the bib. The vac does stretch the part of my shaft which is in front of the bib and therefore not stretched by the bib. Also, I think vac hanging improves my EQ. These two things may give me a short term measurement pop when I next measure, but it will be a few months before I could make a guess as to whether the extra vac sets are really helping.

Originally Posted by dlm4
Also, can you elaborate a little more on this?

“I cut up and use small makeup remover sponges to pack my taped glans as tightly as possible in the cap.”

I find that the less air/space in the cap, and the less stretch in the sleeves, the less my glans move back when applying the weight and the better the attachment/more comfortable the set is.

The makeup remover sponges are thin disks of cotton wool with (I think) a cotton cover. I can cut them down and put them in the cap, or slide slices of them in along with my taped glans to take up excess space in the cap.

Also, I find that my glans has a tendency to tilt forward/up when weight is applied. When this happens the area of my glans where the Frenulum is, moves more to the bottom of the cap. What I try to do is to pack any excess space in the cap with the bits of makeup remover on the top side of my glans to stop this tilting.


*Thanks to RandomGiant and Shunga for giving me the taping the head idea in the first place!

1. What kind of vacuum hanger are you using? Monkeybars

2. How long have you been vacuum hanging? Wow, somewhere over a year by now I think.

3. Other hangers used? The bib. It’d effective, but not for me. I found out I needed to use more wrap than I was using

4. Gains and/or Losses Over my total career I have gone from 6.25 to 8 BPEL. One inch of that was from hanging.

5. How do you wrap.if you do. With a plus sign of tape covering my head.

6. Any tips or tricks that you have learned. With the vac, you can do longer sets without losing circulation at all. I usually go for an hour straight, and heat the whole time.

7. What’s your routine I hang SU at around 10 O’clock, and over a fulcrum.

8. Basically anything that you think would might help others. Keep at it. This stuff is simple but not easy. Gains are almost always slow and kind of small, but this should be a lifelong practice. Not hanging necessarily, but when you are done jelqing should never be stopped. There is always a way to get through a plateau, you just have to apply the right forces.

Awstev…I tried doubling up on the sleeves. Its a pain in the ass to handle, but it does seem to hold a little better. Whats the main reason you do this? So you can hang with higher weight?

Iron…thanks for posting bro. My question for you is concerning hanging heavier weight. From what I understand your hanging like 20lbs. How? Lol! Are you using the constriction sleeve? And which color sleeves are you using for the hanger? I’m having a hard time getting over 11lbs without major slippage which results in a hickey at the end of my dick.

Thanks again for the input!!!

Hi dlm4,

Originally Posted by dlm4
Awstev…I tried doubling up on the sleeves. Its a pain in the ass to handle, but it does seem to hold a little better. Whats the main reason you do this? So you can hang with higher weight?

I am tinkering around trying to get a better attachment. At the moment I can’t seem to handle more than 10lbs/45mins without attachment point stinging/problems. Technically Ironaddict’s 20lbs achievement is impressive. I would like to find a way to handle more weight/time while minimizing attachment problems.

Hey guys, sorry for the delayed reply. Sometimes threads do not show up as active on my list.

Okay well as I am sure you all have guessed I did not start with 20 at all. I started at ten, and that even felt like nothing, I blame it due to my base girth which gets even worse when I feel around my inner penis area, I wish I could pull that area out as it has got to be at least 7.5” around.

Hanging 20 lbs does give my suspensory ligament a run for it’s money. However it is very thick and strong, and I doubt I will ever get to my goal unless I get it cut. It’s just too strong.

As for slippage, I get none. I use the XL cap, I would probably get a better seal in the Large though.
I use the red sleeves, his hardcore ones or whatever they’re called. They’re just the strongest and I bet could probably hold 30 lbs.

Thanks Iron! I just noticed that you started with my same starting stats. Your fricken huge now dude! Question…do you use the restriction sleeve?

Eh nah dude it’s all relevant. I don’t feel much bigger than I was then until I look at the proof. I never use the restriction sleeve. It always seemed to slip forward, and involve more skin. We want as little skin pull as possible, which isn’t always easy to do.

Interesting…thats the issue Im having with the retriction sleeve too. So you only use two pieces of tape in an X pattern over the tip pf your head? Cause I wrap my entire head plus some of my shaft, AND I double layer it.

That’s definitely over kill in my opinion!

1. What kind of vacuum hanger are you using?
Autoextender Vacuum hanger

2. How long have you been vacuum hanging?
1.5 Months
3. Other hangers used?
4. Gains and/or Losses
5/8 BPEL, 3/8 EG
5. How do you wrap.if you do
Don’t wrap
6. Any tips or tricks that you have learned.
- Try using bungee cords, a ratchet device, and a fish scale instead of weights. It’s much easier to increment slowly (One ratchet click = 1 oz, etc), plus you can get all types of angles without pullies.

7. What’s your routine
Hang for 20-30 minutes starting at 5lbs and building up to ~15lbs as my unit gets accustomed to the weight. If it feels comfortable, add more weight until it’s slightly uncomfortable. Afterwards, ADS for 6-14 hours. ADS whenever you can.

How do you guys prevent blisters? I haven’t been wrapping.I suspect that’s the key. I’ve tread the constricting sleeve, but I think it’s mostly useless.

I just ordered a Bib hanger. I will try that too.

Sabrewolfy…try wrapping your head with no hurt paper tape. It is quite simply amazing. No more blisters and you will find that you will be able hang much more weight. Good luck and thanks for your post!

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
That’s definitely over kill in my opinion!

Ya I thought you would say that. But I guess there are a few of who do that. I guess Random double wraps as well. I’m just very sensitive to vacuum hanging, and every time I have cut back I have some issues. So I’m a little afraid to cut back. I figure why fix it if it ain’t broken.

Originally Posted by dlm4
Ya I thought you would say that. But I guess there are a few of who do that. I guess Random double wraps as well. I’m just very sensitive to vacuum hanging, and every time I have cut back I have some issues. So I’m a little afraid to cut back. I figure why fix it if it ain’t broken.

I wrap the whole head too and use quite allot. My heads not that big so when I wrap with tape it makes it smaller so I need to wrap more round it to make It bigger and the vacuum holds better that way.

For start, I would like to thank everyone here
For keep on mentioning the tape wrapping as by this way it got known to me.
And I have to admit that it is by far the most effective method I have used.
But the fact is that by solving the blister thing new problem arise .
And, this is the skin ecchymosis(broken blood vessels).
You see, before wrapping, there was exerted on the skin of glans, only “outer” forces that expanded the head, with the lymphatic fluid “build up” being the well known consequence.
Now ,(with the wrapping) ,equal opposite forces are exerted on the skin of the glans from the wrap. So in the end,the skin of
The glans, is getting compressed . The more the weight the more the compression and so the higher the risk for skin ecchymosis.

So is there anything we can do to reduce the risk? The answer is yes and more specifically is the: Proper Wrapping.
It sounds like magic,but from the Psysics we can see, that with the proper wrapping we can reduce the vacuum pressure inside the hanger and so on, the forces that are to be exerted on each cell of the glans.
More specifically, by making a wrap that is making the shape of the glans wider, we are reducing the air pressure(and the forces) in the hanger.
On the contrary, by giving , with compressive wrapping, a narrow shape to the glans the pressure is elevated(and the forces as well)

In the picture you can see the “science” that gives the above statements.

Ps:Please excuse me for my bad English

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