Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Firm flaccid penis

The back injury makes sense. I am also only 21 but my philosophy is that everything in life presents a challenge. I tried PE and lost out. If I am like this so be it. I will find a way to get through it. I have a very stiff back at the moment and hard flaccid. I am going to go to the doctor with this and ask for an MRI. Any additional evidence from anyone that a spinal injury is the cause would be helpful. Penis exercise injury - Men’s Health - MedHelp My solution would be to do anything to avoid spinal surgery.

From 17/1/2013; Little sensation in the penis, 3 inches constant flaccid firm penis with veins, cannot get an erection, badly reduced libido.

I have sought medical advice and been told there is nothing wrong. My injury was a result of jelqing unconditioned with a 90%+ erect penis.

If you are not getting gains there maybe something wrong so SLOW DOWN. Be careful with the BASE of the penis as this is the MOST SENSITIVE. Injury can be PERMANENT!

Originally Posted by Nutz659

The back injury makes sense. I am also only 21 but my philosophy is that everything in life presents a challenge. I tried PE and lost out. If I am like this so be it. I will find a way to get through it. I have a very stiff back at the moment and hard flaccid. I am going to go to the doctor with this and ask for an MRI. Any additional evidence from anyone that a spinal injury is the cause would be helpful. Penis exercise injury - Men’s Health - MedHelp My solution would be to do anything to avoid spinal surgery.

do you also have deflated glans

STATS: BPEL-7.5 EG-5.6 BG-5.8 -- MT Goal reached

Goal: 8 x 5.75

My Pictures My Progress

So I have a success story.

I’ve had a firm flaccid for close to 3 weeks. Glans never fully inflated and Viagra and Cialis couldn’t even get me up to my par size.

The pill that cured my firm flaccid in a little less than 2 weeks was Guanfacine. Guanfacine was originally used to lower blood pressure however today it is a very popular non-stimulate alternative to Adderall.

I took anywhere from 2-4 mg a day, one at night right before bed, and one around afternoon. This not only helped me hang lower and fatter, but got rid of the firm flaccid temporarily. After doing this regime for close to two weeks I now no longer have a firm flaccid and am back to my pumping routine. Also wearing a very soft xleeve when possible may have contributed.

PM me if you have any further questions concerning what helped me.

Was just wondering how have people come back from this condition because I’m suffering from near enough the same symptoms e.g rubbery feeling etc but I don’t feel any pain. If some people can either rely to this or PM that would be appreciated saying how you recovered.

I’m trying everything to pelvic floor relaxation and trying my best to relax it using mind muscle connection while trying to breath with my diaphragm etc. I’m only doing about 10 mins of relaxation breathing a day and I feel like it’s not working, which makes me think that I’m not doing it for longer. I’ve stopped going to the gym as well because apparently heavy lifting can make it worse.

If anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated:)

Last edited by Wanted21 : 02-22-2020 at .

Any Updates

It’s been a while that anyone has said anything on this thread. Does anyone have anything new to add?

Trever harris

Hey guys, look into “hard flaccid resistance stretching” on YouTube or online if you have any of these issues.

Dig deep, do your research. Learn about the body and it’s anatomy and you can fix this issue and have a healthy working penis. But if your looking for an easy fix, that won’t happen. But this is the way to truly fix the problem and enjoy a healthy penis one day again. Also the correct way.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report


Thanks, can you paste some links to the resistance stretched you recommend?

Trever harris

Google is your friend.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
Google is your friend.


Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

I cured my hard flaccid with resistance stretching that Makehergocrazy mentioned, together with some other things.

Here’s how it happened. I was had not done PE for a while and decided to give it another shot. Jumped into the exercises too rough, too soon. The first session was great, had some good wood from the jelqing and decided to edge (unintentionally prolonged session) which was the first ingredient for the injury. The next day I didn’t respect the fact that I needed some rest and did another full PE session.

This resulted in a firm flaccid for a month. Had sex with two girls but was only able to stay hard for a minute both times. Very annoying.

My dick was, small, curled up, hard and not bendable whatsoever. No morning wood and when it happened I was not hard at all with a deflated glans. No pain though.

What I believe contributed to my recovery was the following:
A good understanding of how your pelvic region functions. Learn about all the muscles, how they operate and what they are for, e.g. Walking, sexual function.

The second is the resistance stretching mentioned by Makehergocrazy. I is different than just regular stretching which also contributes but for different reasons I mention later. Resistance stretching really opens up your muscles and fascia to allow blood flow. It is believed that tight fascia restricts muscles and arteries but don’t quote me on this one.

The third is posture correction. I have what’s called anterior pelvic tilt, which is the result from rounded shoulders and nerd neck posture. Increasingly more people have this condition from computer work or gaming. Your body compensates for this with the muscles in other areas of your body. Basically, my lower back and my hip flexors were shortened and tight, which made my glutes and abs under used and super weak. Getting back into balance was KEY. Training the lower abs and the glutes was very beneficial. An easy tip is to, whenever you have been seated for a long period, stand up and get on your toes. Then squeeze your glutes and your quads as hard as you can for a few seconds. Rest for a few seconds and repeat for 3 - 4 times. Besides training your abs and ass, I learned to stretch my hip flexors and lower back. There is tons and tons of videos on Youtube on how this is done safely.

Other points minor things that contributed were, patience, good food low sugar, stress relief, testosterone increase and porn absence. These are general things that improve your well-being anyway. I believe meditation and deep breathing are great for sexual function and well-being but in this case they won’t have the physical force needed to open up your machine. I see them more like oil to make a functioning engine work smoothly. So lets fix your engine!

To summarize. Learn about your pelvic region, it will make fixing your problem much more mind full. Then go into resistance stretching of all the muscles in your pelvis and legs. Besides the resistance stretching, look into any postural AND muscle imbalances you might have. Not only in your hip area but throughout the entire body.

Here is a playlist with resistance stretches. Check out the man’s channel for more wisdom, he seems to be selling a course too but I had not need to bother because of these videos.
Resistance Stretching Dynamic Contraction Technique Exercises - YouTube

Ease into the exercises if you decide to do them. These should be totally new workouts for your body. Don’t go all out directly!

For the time it is going to take to heal: for me it was within two days, which is miraculous.

Of course I don’t guarantee that this will happen to you too, but if your hard flaccid is because of tightness and imbalances, it just might. For people who have pain accompanied with their issue, I would say 1 - 6 months. I only say this because when I was doing research, I stumbled upon chronic pelvic pain syndrome. People with this C.P.P.S need longer to, so I have learned.

Good luck and please let others know if this worked for you.

Hard Flaccid Inquiry


My story: I am a healthy, fit 25 year old male. Had jelqed before a couple years ago, then stopped BC I didn’t want to keep up with it in college. Picked back up in September 2020. My routine was just standard manual jelqs with Uli jelqs. I made sure to warm up before and in between sets. I would do like 4-5 sets of 10 reps over the course of a 20-25 minute session. As the weeks had gone by I would go up to 12 and then 15 reps per set. Very slow, careful reps. I saw pretty substantial results, WAY better erection quality and possibly girth and small length gains. It may have just been result of better erections BC I know this process takes time. Also fuller, longer flaccid length.

Did that for about 4 months, stopped in January cause work got very busy and classes on the side, super tired. Stopped jelqing for about 3 weeks, maybe one month. 2 weeks ago I got back into it. Like a dumbass, I did not warm up anywhere near as thoroughly, nor did I heat between sets. Also, like a dumbass, went for sets of 30 reps because I thought I could handle it. All of a sudden started experiencing smaller, harder flaccid. Erection quality is nowhere near as good and def smaller in length and girth.

I’m guessing I jumped back into things too enthusiastically and injured myself. It’s been a week of hard flaccid/turtling. Def feels firmer on shaft. Been looking into ways to go about treating but wanted to consult on here. I have not
Masturbated in a couple days, figuring I should rest. Should I massage with heat? Do I stretch? Or just leave it?

Any help at all would be appreciated, thanks.

Originally Posted by Jims14

My story: I am a healthy, fit 25 year old male. Had jelqed before a couple years ago, then stopped BC I didn’t want to keep up with it in college. Picked back up in September 2020. My routine was just standard manual jelqs with Uli jelqs. I made sure to warm up before and in between sets. I would do like 4-5 sets of 10 reps over the course of a 20-25 minute session. As the weeks had gone by I would go up to 12 and then 15 reps per set. Very slow, careful reps. I saw pretty substantial results, WAY better erection quality and possibly girth and small length gains. It may have just been result of better erections BC I know this process takes time. Also fuller, longer flaccid length.

Did that for about 4 months, stopped in January cause work got very busy and classes on the side, super tired. Stopped jelqing for about 3 weeks, maybe one month. 2 weeks ago I got back into it. Like a dumbass, I did not warm up anywhere near as thoroughly, nor did I heat between sets. Also, like a dumbass, went for sets of 30 reps because I thought I could handle it. All of a sudden started experiencing smaller, harder flaccid. Erection quality is nowhere near as good and def smaller in length and girth.

I’m guessing I jumped back into things too enthusiastically and injured myself. It’s been a week of hard flaccid/turtling. Def feels firmer on shaft. Been looking into ways to go about treating but wanted to consult on here. I have not
Masturbated in a couple days, figuring I should rest. Should I massage with heat? Do I stretch? Or just leave it?

Any help at all would be appreciated, thanks.

In my opinion you should just leave it to rest. I think time is the cure here, not massages or stretches.

Your mind also plays a big factor in recovery, thinking negative thoughts about how your penis might not be working or any other doom scenario is keeping you turtled. Your dick listens to your thoughts, if it senses danger or doom it will react to that. Don’t get emotional about the turtled state, it’s natural. Getting mad, frustrated, fearful or worried is understandable but are a complete overreaction. If you have these thoughts, drop them, let go of them completely.

Turtling happens for a reason: in your case to protect the healing process. In other cases to protect from heat or cold or danger. It’s a completely normal mechanism. However, as I mentioned before, you can get stuck in a negative mind loop which keeps your dick turtled. Make sure your thoughts are positive and logical.

I had the same thing, jumping into a routine from a longer break. It took me 2 months to heal and after the 3rd month I had all my force back at my disposal.

I remember some key thing which sped up my recovery. It was by reading this thread. At some point there’s three or four guys going on and on and on for like 20 pages about their hard flaccid problem. I realized, out of a bit of frustration from the repetitiveness, that the problem was mostly between their ears. As if it was instantly that I recovered. In hindsight, I did need the time to mechanically recover which I think is about a month and half time. After this time period, my mind had not yet recovered so to say and it did once I made that realization.

So ask yourself: in a month time, would it be very likely that I have already recovered, how about 2 months time. Whenever you strike a yes, remember it, let go of your negative beliefs and go about your day with a new positive mindset. If you see 0 improvements, try looking into resistance stretching, postural issues, hormone and energy imbalances I mentioned earlier this thread.

Time and positivity, this condition always heals.
Take care!

Hello, I have a problem like this too.

I read many people here

My departments

Swelling of the head of the penis, hard flaccidity, low erection, feeling like there is a hard tube inside the penis

It happened in the past, but it went away in a short time, and it’s been going on for the last 2 weeks.

My guess is that the cause of this is damage to the dorsal nerve on the back of the penis.

Someone here mentioned this

Before this incident, when my penis was erect, it was as if it were crooked, that is, the right side was more swollen and the left side was less swollen.

The inside of the penis is erect in a cross shape

Then I found that behind this the dorsal nerve in the back moves diagonally to the left instead of straight

Possibly too much pressure was given during pumping and the penis may sometimes shift to the right or left during homogeneous erection within the pump.

Likewise, it seems likely that people with penis weight may experience this as a result of a shift in health or weight to the left.

I will go to the urologist soon and ask this.

I hope this finding helps those who have the same problem.

Sorry for the bad english

Start 01.07.2022 ----7.5 - 6.2

My goal 9,5 - 8

Originally Posted by asrin43
I will go to the urologist soon and ask this.
I hope this finding helps those who have the same problem.

Please tell us that the doctor says.

Sorry for the bad english

You’re coming through just fine.


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