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Nutritional Deficiencies


For many months while dieting, I weighed and tracked everything I ate and entered it all into Cronometer, which tracks nutrient intake. I’m using the older stand-alone freeware version from a decade+ ago. It was developed to track nutrient intake of people on calorie restricted diets. They’ve had a web version for many years now, which is probably easier to use and more up to date for entering foods. I haven’t tried it.

Everyone will vary because our diets are different, but what I found over months of inputting everything is that I’m generally too low on potassium, magnesium, and omega 3’s.

Originally Posted by hobby
For many months while dieting, I weighed and tracked everything I ate and entered it all into Cronometer, which tracks nutrient intake. I’m using the older stand-alone freeware version from a decade+ ago. It was developed to track nutrient intake of people on calorie restricted diets. They’ve had a web version for many years now, which is probably easier to use and more up to date for entering foods. I haven’t tried it.

Everyone will vary because our diets are different, but what I found over months of inputting everything is that I’m generally too low on potassium, magnesium, and omega 3’s.

I would like to do something like that. I don’t think I’m disciplined enough. I was doing MyFitnessPal app for awhile and just couldn’t keep up. But the idea is great. Something like what you mentioned that really tracks nutrients seems like a good idea. What I need to do is just maybe go in quarterly and get a nutritional blood test done. I have insurance(three) that helps pay for it.

I get alot of electrolytes and energy supplementation. I’m big on good electrolyte powders because of my activity level. Magnesium is definitely high on my list too. I try to get it through multiple forms including baths with Epson salt at least weekly. Joints have been bugging me for years, so anything that helps with that is also on my list. I have an omega complex that I am currently taking. It’s been one week on D3 with K2, I think I will hit the court this coming Wednesday and maybe see if my lower legs ache easily or not. Might be too soon. But what I do notice is a little more energy. This time last week, I was pretty much useless. I did not want to do anything. I went to the gym early and when I got home, I did bare minimum. Today, I got a lot done. I didn’t go to the gym, but I got house chores and shopping done. Some projects as well. Frees me up tomorrow to not have to get that all done.

So far so good with 10,000 IUs of D3 daily since last Sunday. I am still going to get bloodwork done soon, but I needed to plan a day off from work to get that done along with other appointments I am trying to do all on the same day. We will report back again later.

Test Results

I’ve been taking 10,000 IUs of D3 with K2 since I made this post. I have more energy, less fatigue, aches getting better. I do notice stronger EQ, but I can’t say if D3 alone was the reason for that since I am doing other things too.

My results said I had 25ng/ml which is sub optimal according to the lab results. Their measure says anything greater than 30 is optimal. My goal was 50.

It’s good to have a baseline. Testing was actually easy. I ordered the labs online for maybe $25 I think (I got other tests also) and then went to a lab with my order, was in and out and results were one day.

I am going to increase to 15,000 IU and retest on the 29th. I have half day of work that day so it’s easiest for me.


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