Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Collected wisdom from the vets and good gainers


Great threads you guys. You have given this Newbie great hope.

Eye of the Tiger!

The smallest of all


I think I have the smallest dick on earth. I have -1 inch soft (completely buried) and 1,8 inch erected. My sac and balls are average. I’m unable to penetrate since I do not have enough size to reach a girl’s vagina. I’m 41 y/o and still virgin. I tried some doctors in order to use those devices that stretch the penis, but I needed to have 2 inches flaccid to use them. Are there any one of you with the same condition?

I wait for replies.


Hi, vets and newbies!

At 65 I began to have symptoms of ED. At 69 I had a shorter dick than ever before since my teen years, it measured less than my usual 6” NBPEL because it was curved down. Pitiful condition. Some day I looked at the web for “penis at large”, and found “penis enlargement”. It was the beginning of August 2002. I got convinced, began to exercise, mostly dry jelqing, I jelqed whenever and wherever I could, was obsessioned with PE, jelqed a lot at a medium level of erection. Being retired, I had plenty of time during the day. Two months later I had my present straight dick that measured 1” more. Then I tried girth exercises, gained girht from 4.5” to 5”, also enlarged my ballsack. But now at 71, I feel young, some friends tell me I look youger instead of older! My theory is this: if ED comes into your life and you quit having sex, then the production of testosterone falls low and the process of aging is in. If there´s sex activity, there is sufficient production of this hormone, along with sperm. I think that´s my case. So, I truly am glad of having engaged in PE and it was one of the best decisions in my life.



Viagra ONLY works when there is AROUSAL

Originally Posted by luvdadus
When my wife found the bottle she did what most wives would do and assumed it was her fault that she didn’t arouse me any more like she used to. Of course that was not the case…

First of all, glad to read that things worked out.

Now: Had you related to your wife a very simple medical fact, she would have been 100% reassured from the start: (and just for y’all people’s general knowledge):

Basically, and without too much medical speak, Viagra (Sildenafil) is NOT an erection maker, but rather and erection supporter.

What does this mean?

In a person that IS aroused, but has certain troubles with his erection, Viagra helps get and maintain an erection by affecting the blood gateways of the aroused penis.

Note: AROUSED penis.

Viagra CAN NOT give a person an erection when there is no arousal. In the absence of arousal, viagra has NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER (unless you took more than 100mg, but in that case you’re a bone head :-) .

Even while Viagra is in effect, one can stop having sex thus losing arousal, and lose erection, then go back and get another erection. Ergo - erection supporter.

[There are other, more powerful and directly acting erection makers - that GIVE an erection REGARDLESS of arousal. 99% of people have no need for these, and 99.99% when you take Viagra into account. As opposed to Viagra that helps maintain an erection while under arousal, These substances just make you pop wood regardless of anything].

Your wife should not have been worried - quite the contrary! You having an erection, even under Viagra, is proof that she arouses you!

Hey guys

I can identify with what you are all saying. At 53 I was worried about declining stamina and ability to perform so started on PE. That was over a year ago. I do mostly jelquing and stretching trying to do about 30 mins per day for at least four days a week. I have gained 1” in length to amke it 7.5” erect and am now a happy camper. I was not unhappy with size but the size increase is a real bonus and I am now aiming fo 8”. Not much success with girth increase and it remains at 5” but I like my slimline model!

Hey guys

I can identify with what you are all saying. At 53 I was worried about declining stamina and ability to perform so started on PE. That was over a year ago. I do mostly jelquing and stretching trying to do about 30 mins per day for at least four days a week. I have gained 1” in length to make it 7.5” erect and am now a happy camper. I was not unhappy with size but the size increase is a real bonus and I am now aiming fo 8”. Not much success with girth increase and it remains at 5” but I like my slimline model!

>>It was not until I began to experiment with cock rings that flaccid gain began to kick in. I wore a standard 3 snap leather cock/ball strap for about four hours after all PE workouts. Sometime later I had a series of PM and email conversations with Peforeal, who had the same flaccid intentions as I did, learned about his clever find of the Wrist Strap and began wearing one of those instead of the leather one for reasons of comfort. The cock/ball rings seem to have resolved my flaccid gain problem. Without one, I now hang 6 x 5.5 compared with the old, skinny 2 inches.

I have this same problem with the small flaccid penis. What is this Wrist Strap you speak of and where can I obtain one? Also, you say you wear cock rings after PE exercises? I am veryi nterested in learning more here.

May I ask

Originally Posted by avocet8
Weighing in, luvdadus, on your inspiring thread to Newbies:

At age 56 I started experiencing ED. I thought it was simply age-related, but not so. It turned out that years of beta-blocker blood pressure medications combined with a thiazide diuretic had had their vascular toll. At the time I rarely had nocturnal erections or woke up with morning wood. Sex was becoming a _very_ iffy proposition and I began to avoid opportunities because of fear of failure. This fear/avoidance led to my receiving the highly-dubious Performance Anxiety Poster Boy Award for 1999.

One of the men at (links to this organization are listed at the top of MSHF) suggested pumping to me as a means of perhaps recovering some of my penile vascular losses. He said also not to be surprised if my dick got larger over time.

I had a nice dick in those days. 6 x 5.75, not real long but thick and I was pleased with it, except when I was flaccid. I’ve never been a shower. 2 inches was par and I’ve been extremely self-conscious about that since junior high. Given the possibility of reducing the level of my ED and increasing (maybe) my dick size, I started pumping, but more for ED than size.

After 4 – 5 months of pumping (no other PE exercises) I was an inch longer and had more girth. Nocturnal erections and morning wood were coming back. I needed a bit less Viagra to stay hard during sex. I was stoked.

Found PEForums first, which led me here. I have nothing bad to say about PEForums, however here at Thunder’s I found a membership much more interested in the “science” of PE and the comparative mechanics of getting results than in how far one can shoot and how to get laid more often. That stuff was gravy to me; I wanted quality erections and more flaccid size.

Rather than tell you what I’ve tried – a long laundry list of techniques that changed many times during my going on three years of active PE, it is easier to tell you that I did not hang, did no “blasters,” no reverse Kegels, or use sticks or devices other than the pump. Nothing wrong with any of these; they just didn’t fit my “style” or time budget.

At somewhere around 8 length, I was totally delighted with my erect size. By then the degree of my ED was much reduced. My penile vasculature was quite different – from smooth and no veins to very prominent veins and arteries. But flaccid gain lagged waaay behind. On a very good day I was 3 inches, no big whoop to me.

It was not until I began to experiment with cock rings that flaccid gain began to kick in. I wore a standard 3 snap leather cock/ball strap for about four hours after all PE workouts. Sometime later I had a series of PM and email conversations with Peforeal, who had the same flaccid intentions as I did, learned about his clever find of the Wrist Strap and began wearing one of those instead of the leather one for reasons of comfort. The cock/ball rings seem to have resolved my flaccid gain problem. Without one, I now hang 6 x 5.5 compared with the old, skinny 2 inches.

For the first time in 6 decades, I feel – inside my head – that I’m “hung.” More later about what that and the rest of this PE stuff means to me.

I went into “semi-retirement” at 8.39 x 6.39. Then (WTF??) I went up to 6.50 girth. Now, (WTF??), I’m pulling another extra half inch of length in my pump cylinder. That hasn’t cemented, but I don’t care if it ever does because I am a very happy camper.

Newbies: This is about stick-to-itiveness, not some sort of passive wish you might have. As DLD and others say, you have to visualize and you have to take the time - often taking it away from the rest of your life requirements - to stay with it.

May I ask you avocet8, you must be around 65 now? and from what you have written you are now 8” in length and 6.4 in girth. What I would like to know is what is your present routine? Do you think that your gains are primarily from pumping, or a combination of pumping and a regimented routine?

Can you provide a description of what your routines consisted of. I have similar problems as you did I have to take Viagra to get an erection also I power jelq but do not do any stretch routines. I suppose I need to practice more and get into a good routine. I would appreciate any suggestions and recommendations that may have to get me back on track and get focused.

my experience

i have been a member on this forum for around one year now , i got into it cuz i couldnt make my girlfriend come with my dick inside i have to do it manual, like stimulating her clitoris ( giving her a hand job). she told me his exboyfriend had a bigger dick than mine( she only had sex like 7 times with this guy) and she says she sort of had a orgasm with him ( she is the first person and only one i have had sex with and well i got really jealous about this inferiority thougths) so i got into this PE routins that in about 8 months ( i had been interrupting these 8 months for 2 periods of 1 month each) i have gotten about 1.5 inch length and .7 inch tickness. my girlfriend and i had a lost distance relationship and last time i saw her 1 month ago she wasnt in a sex drive cuz she was really stress in a job convention i accompanied her to, but we tried to had sex like twice and she said it hurt. Do you think this was cuz she wasnt on sex drive or my penis is to big already.
By the way she hastn come with my penis inside yet , she only said that she feels a really uncomfortable feeling in the g spot (like she wants to go pee and when she goes to pee , she cants)
my penis is 6.2 inch length bone pressed , and 5 inch thick circunference at the schaft.
what do the experts of this forum recomend me about making my girlfriend cum and about my measures.

PD i m fucking greatfull with the creators of this forum , you guys have no idea.

To be honest, and I think I mentioned this before, I found everything hard to believe my first time at Thunder’s.

Gather around boys and girls, have a seat and listen to a story about a boy named Rodney.

“How Ramrod got to Thunder’s Place,” by Rodley Ramsey.
Warning - Could be Boring.
(It all started a long, long time ago in February, 2003.)
The Enzyte commercials got me wondering about PE. I went online to investigate to the product. The Enzyte website is vague on how the pills work, but they do list the ingredients. So I checked out the ingredients and did a search on all the ingredients, Yohimbe, Saw Palmetto, etc., and considered to just buy these things at my local GNC.

Then I did another search for Penis Enlargement Pills. The results were several sites selling their own versions of penis pills, X-Tenz, etc. I had no idea there were that many. I wasn’t sure what to do, whether to buy the Enzyte, the other brands, or make my own concoction.

Fortunately, the search engine also rendered other websites containing “Penis Enlargement.” I clicked on a site of a guy explaining jelqing. It was a personal website made by some guy sharing his PE experience. He laid out simple instructions and gave a rudimentary explanation of how jelqing worked. I said, “Oooh, this is interesting.” I tried jelqing for a few days and I was shocked at how I could plump up my penis like that. I had no idea you could do such things. A week of jelqing gave me a noticeable change in erection hardness.

By now I was very interested in this notion of Penis Enlargement. I did another web search for “Penis Enlargement” and “Jelqing.” I hit on another website, don’t remember which one, that had a link to Thunder’s. I went to Thunder’s Place and started reading some posts. I kept running across this guy named DLD. His signature was, “Soon to be Triple.” Triple what, I wondered? I read a post with his stats on it. That made me very curious.

In the mean time, there was a lot of confusing acronyms and strange ideas posted — BPEL, BPFSL, Horse440, AI stretches, and so on. I was also struck at how seriously everyone was taking this PE stuff. (I was still skeptically, mind you.) Guys had routines.

Routines? What the hell is that all about? Who are these strange dick pullers? Do I really want to get involved with people like this? It sounds kinda gay.

But this “DLD” had intrigued me. I knew he had pics in the Pics Forum and I decided to join so I can see his pics, for proof. Well, we all know how convincing his pics are. Frankly, I was disappointed (and suspect) at the total lack of good before & after pics.

I was disheartened. I gathered enough info to from the Newbie Forum to start my own routine, jelqing and stretching. I didn’t post hardly at all. This was happening at the very start of the invasion of Iraq. I think in my first post I was expressing my dismay for our so-called friends abroad. We all know how tactful I can be, and Thunder was quick to scold me. :smack:

Anyway, I did my little routine for a while and got discouraged at the lack of gains. I retired from PE, or so I thought. In November, 2003, I decided to take another look at PE. I came back to Thunder’s and started reading the Hanger’s Forum to see if hanging was for me. Upon my return, however, I had noticed the Forum had been invaded by pirates, a guy who likes to hang around with pirates, and another guy who talked in riddles. They were having a jolly good time with their anal-invasion stories and bird jokes. Rather gay, I thought.

I went about my business and began my hanging journey. The pirates were everywhere, though. I could not seem to evade them, and they were discussing my beloved USA. I had to read what they were saying. This “CaptnHook” guy put words together that, well, made sense. Sometimes he’d say funny shit too. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. I reached out and extended the olive branch — nah, forget that corny shit. I’ll just say that I’m very happy I got to know the guys on this Forum.

The rest of my history most of you know. I’ve been hanging regularly, for exactly one year today as a matter of fact. I got my Bib Starter and started a real hanging routine on January 16, 2004. I’m not a frequent measurer and don’t really like talking “dick,” but in case you’re wondering, I have gained a little over 1” to just over 7” BPEL. The gains are quite real and I’m fairly certain they are permanent.

I was going to quit hanging at the end of this month, but things are going so well with recent gains (moderate weight and lots of sets) that I might extend it to March.

The moral of the story (sorry for the rambling) is that this PE is hard to believe. And this place called Thunder’s, with it’s outstanding efficiency, and extraordinary organization, and unique atmosphere created by the membership is difficult to comprehend for most people.

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.


Great post’s guys thank you :-) gives me hope


Say YGUY how old are you? How old we’re you when you started PE?


Originally Posted by Mr. Dongers

Say YGUY how old are you? How old we’re you when you started PE?

23, started at 19.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."


This thread is far too valuable to not be at the top and read by both newbies and old veterans.

Many of us should read it and many others.


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