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Blink2000's Hanging Guide


Blink2000's Hanging Guide

Blink2000’s Hanging Guide

Revised Hanging Guide 1.1
Going through this guide, inserting commentary, and organizing it has been a nice refresher course on hanging for me. I’m reminded of how very important it is to learn to record details including what we are feeling each day with our PE / hanging routines (aside from the weight & number of sets), so we can learn to replicate our successes and avoid repeating our failures. So if you\’re going to hang, educate yourself on the proper techniques and procedures, then make sure you reach fatigue and ride it responsibly.

Why Make a Hanging Guide?
I often found that information I needed on hanging was scattered throughout too many different places & threads. My goal was to hang with excellent technique and reach proper fatigue; however I was having trouble putting everything into action when I started hanging. I decided to compile information together in one place as a series of notes to create a quick reference to the most important points of hanging. Originally, this was just a series of personal notes to myself that helped me remember key terms or concepts that I felt were critically important and/or not well explained elsewhere.

After extensive research including thousands of hanging threads, I hit a wall with some questions to which I could find no authoritative or satisfactory answers. Also, at times I had trouble applying what I read. In cases where I found answers on my own here on thunders & elsewhere, I include quotes or excerpts. When there was no answer to be found, I asked asked Bib / Bigger directly (on his forum).

I believe there is no shame in asking a question you do not know the answer to, as long as you make an honest effort to study & find the answer on your own. Now, as I continued to study & learn (and watch the forums), I observed that often people were asking the SAME questions over & over (on Bib’s forum and here on Thunders as well)! I believe this guide can preemptively answer many of those questions…

Who is Bib & Why Did I quote Him So Much?
As most reading this post will already know, Bib/Bigger created the Bib hanger, which is by far the best non vacuum hanger available. Bib/Bigger has helped many hangers gain 2”+ and just a few hangers (out of many thousands) claim gains of 3” or more based on his advice. Much of this guide is Q&A between Bib aka Bigger & me (Blink2000). Although much of this is personal advice to me, I hope other hangers (especially new ones) will find this information useful. I found Bib/Bigger extremely insightful at identifying my misconceptions and incorrect technique and his concise replies have truly helped me improve my hanging.

With that in mind, I hope the hanging community finds this information useful. The intent or purpose of this guide is two-fold:
1. To teach good hanging technique and methods to avoid injury and assure good gains
2. To answer some difficult and obscure questions, where answers were nowhere to be found

Some Important/Related Hanging Threads

Most Important Hanging Threads
More proof that long periods of hanging may be beneficial?

The Hanging Guide

Terms & Angles

BTB Jelqing - Behind the Balls (good to do lightly between hanging sets to get circulation)
SS - Sweat shirt
Shotgun Approach - (bad) no clearly defined target tissues, trying to many different things at the same time & not reaching or riding fatigue
RSDT - Rice Sock Duct Tape Fulcrum. But please do not try to learn to use the hanger and RSDT at the same time. Baby steps.
BTC - Between The Cheeks
OTL - Over The Leg
OTS - Over The Shoulder
SD - Straight-Down
SO - Straight-Out
SU - Straight-Up
Septum - division between the 2x major erectile chambers in the penis
Coronal ridge - the edge of the glans

Pulse Push
When tightening, you push forward in a pulsing manner as the hanger gets tight, feeling the hanger grasp the internal structures, and forming the shoulders of the head. This way you can confirm that the hanger is tight enough, and will not slip. Always start out by setting up your environment to make it easy and comfortable to hang. You want to be able to multi-task, and be able to concentrate on the other task(s).

RSDT (Rice Sock Duck Tape Fulcrum)
Q: Is it effective if I go past 45 degrees downward with the RSDT?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
The 45 degree thing is a bottom limit. IOW, if at the end of the set, the hanger is pointing down more than 45 degrees, it is not as efficient, and you should make your fulcrum either taller or deeper. Reaching and riding the fatigue is the ONLY thing that matters.
You do not have to change if the sets starts with the hanger sticking straight out. That is the way it is supposed to work. The weight should pull the front of the hanger down, to where the hanger is pointing at a 45 degree angles down, at the end of the set. If you need to have the fulcrum a bit deeper in subsequent sets, because this does not occur, you can put a washcloth or something between the fulcrum and your legs to make the fulcrum deeper.

Swinging (While Hanging)
Q: Swinging? Are you serious?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
I used to swing side to side while hanging BTC. Very intense. The plus for doing this is that it tends to bring on fatigue much quicker. As the shaft and weights swing in a pendulum motion, different tissues, fibers take the stress in a more dedicated manner, than when just hanging in a static fashion. This is particularly effective when hanging BTC, because the swinging motion affects each of the lateral susp lig bundles, plus the median susp lig. By bouncing, you are effectively increasing the stress, without adding more weight. Gravity is a wonderful thing. When the weight hits the bottom of the bounce, it provides a great stress to the target tissues. If you stand and swing while hanging SD, you are simply increasing the stress to the entire lig area in a pulsing fashion. As the weights swing back, the stress is increased. As it swings forward, the stress is reduced. It is probably the swinging back that is bringing on the good stretch.

Q:Bib, had you been heating/warming up before your sessions and if so what method did you use and how (just once before 1st set or before/during every set)?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
I used a rice sock with moderate heat for ten minutes before my sessions, and for the first half of the first half of my sets. IOW, I would use heat in the morning sets, and no heat in the afternoon sets. I did this most of the time. I do believe it makes it easier to stretch the tissues. Not anything remarkable since heat does make almost any material more malleable. I also believe it leads to more micro tears and reduces the potential for macro tears, injury. For me, it was important. Others seem to not find it as important.

Heating is a critical element of success in PE (partly because it prevents injuries and in PE injury=failure). I tried many methods myself and ultimately I feel a rice sock heated to the perfect temperature (this happens to be 2 minutes, 15 seconds in my microwave, this will vary depending on the power of your microwave) is the most effective (at least for me). Heat lamps can be useful, but I’ve read many reports of injuries from guys literally cooking their penis with the heat lamp. For me, traditional physical therapy heat pads were ineffective (I tried ones made of clay and ones made of other materials, but I could not get them to the proper temperature). Heating the tissues makes them more elastic and easier to stretch and deform. This also prepares your nerves and blood vessels for the stresses to come. We want to elongate and micro tear, while avoiding macro type tears (injuries). I have read reports of veterans that don’t warm up or cool down. I believe newbies that don’t warm up or cool down are more prone to injury. Personally, I’ll take whatever measures needed to avoid injury and facilitate gains. A nice warm-up is well worth the averted risk and increased chance of gains.

Q:Should a Cooldown or Ice be used with PE workouts and how long should you cooldown if you do one?
Cool down

I suppose that’s the million dollar question, eh? My guess is one to two minutes. In large part because Dustpan reported roughly 2x2.5” gains and followed that cool down routine. His method was to put a ice pack in the FRIG (not freezer) and then apply that to his penis for one to two minutes after his workout.

Originally Posted by Dustpan
I have been using cold tap water on a cloth. Using a ice pack is to harsh on the penis.

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Every morning after all PE sessions I end up jelqing and stretching in the hot tub right outside my apartment by the pool. After the final stretching and wet jelqing in the 104 degree water I slip on 2 pounds of lead pe weights and swim laps cooling the ligs while they are still held extended in the chilled 50 degree water. (Wintertime in Texas)

Big Girtha was cooling down while doing an ADS type stretch (e.g. golf/pe weights)

Originally Posted by Iguana
This study used the application of ice with success. Granted, excessive cooling will produce turtling. No doubt about it. Connective tissue will shrink up under very cold temps. I only apply ice for 2-3 minutes and I have never experienced any turtling. It only hangs longer and fuller. But to each his own. The key is don’t over do it. But, as I always say, do what works for you.

The consensus seems to be this: A proper cooldown only lasts 2 minutes, and it’s important to keep the penis from turtling (keep in elongated state). Also, out of the few veteran PEers that actually do a cooldown, most only do it if they feel close to an injury or if they are more sore than normal.

The Wrap
Q: Are you tugging the skin back toward the base with each pass of wrap?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
(Bib/Bigger) Many times, if not most times, I stayed wrapped after hanging for a while. Sometimes for hours if I did not have much fluid buildup. Had to play that by ear. I do not think an ADS will contribute much to gaining, but most of the time it will assist in keeping the tissues in the extended state while healing. This makes it easier during the next hanging session. Not as much pulling out of the folds, squeezing out fluid from the collagenous matrix, etc.

Q:Do you think there is a better grip and pressure on collagenous tissues when no under wrap is used and tband applied directly to skin? I tried so and I think there is better grip that way, I did sets without discomfort.

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Tband (theraband) alone was always the best wrapping configuration for me. It always gave the best grip. But it is an individual thing. Next best was the 2”x6” piece of SS material as the first pass, with Tband over the top.

Personally I use HTW under + Theraband over. I have found this to be very effective for both comfort, quick wrapping, and easy slippage prevention. My wife sewed a seam around the edge of the HTW (hair tie wrap) which has really helped prevent my HTWs from unwravelling.

The Wrap: How Much Theraband Should I use?
Q:What wrap do you use?: “The wrap I use is 6 inches of sweatshirt and 6 inches of theraband all a half inch behind the glans.”

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
That is probably not enough Tband. Try a piece 1.5-2 inches wide, and 15 inches long, spiraled down toward the base. That will not be too much. It will also make it easier for you to adjust the inner hex nuts. Have them further out. It might also help with that pinching, whatever it is.
Loose is relative. The question is, how loose? The first couple of passes, that which will be in front of the hanger, between the hanger and head, should be extremely loose. You should not tug on the wrap at all when making the first 2-3 passes. Then, in subsequent passes, you can tug a bit, making them just a little bit tighter. In all, the wrap should simply make a solid bundle, just tight enough so that it does not come apart.

I have noticed that changing the length & width of theraband has a major effect on how thick the wrap is, allowing me to adjust things for comfort and prevent slippage.

The Wrap: Skin Stretching
Q:How does skin stretching relate to hanging and how do I do it?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
The key is to stretch skin first. Perhaps moving the hanger attachment point a half inch toward the base. Then after stretching skin, you move the hanger attachment point back to the normal position, an inch and a quarter behind the coronal ridge. Then hanging BTC, you will affect the ligs in a dedicated fashion. First, you must realize that you have to stretch skin in the beginning. You want to stretch enough skin, so that in later sessions, the stresses are on the internal structures in a dedicated fashion.
Divide and conquer. Skin first
Please understand the following: The goal is a bigger penis, right? Obviously, you MUST have more skin to cover that larger penis, right? It is much easier to stretch the skin first, in a dedicated fashion, then move on to the inner structures in a dedicated fashion. The converse would be to try and stretch everything at the same time, which would require a lot of stress.
Don't Overstretch the Skin
Having said that, you do not want to overstretch the skin. Start your wrap at least one inch behind the coronal ridge of the head. Make one or two passes on the same track before starting to spiral down toward the base. The key to keeping the skin straight and not bunching is to pull the skin toward the base with every pass of the wrap. Just pull down a bit on the scrotum, and on the top and sides of the base skin. Then make the next pass of wrap.
The closer toward the base you start the wrap, the more skin you will stretch. The closer toward the head you start the wrap, the less skin you will stretch. Starting at least one inch behind the coronal ridge will give you one inch of internal shaft upon which the hanger can grasp.

Q:Also, how many layers of each wrap did you use mostly

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
With the padded Bibs, usually two. Either a double layer of Tband, or a layer of SS material and a layer of Tband.
Now, when I say layers, I mean passes. In the case of just Tband, that is one piece of Tband. I would make two passes for my first pass, then spiral down about a half inch on subsequent passes. So, under the hanger, perhaps three layers of Tband.
With using the SS material, I would make one pass of SS material, 2 x 6. Then I would start the Tband about half way down the SS material. One pass around with the Tband, then spiral down in half inch passes. I would then attach the hanger right at the leading edge of the Tband. So maybe three layers of wrap under the hanger.
With the hardcore [Bibs], perhaps an additional layer or two of wrap is needed. Remember, the less wrap, and the less bulk of the wrap, the easier for the hanger to grasp the internal structures. Be SURE the wrap you use is not very bulky. The SS material should be VERY thin. Not T-shirt material, but not the thick jersey material either.

With standard non vacuum hangers, I think most are using HTW and or theraband these days. Some hangers use 2x HTW’s, although personally I did not find it comfortable. The way you wrap doesn’t matter as long as it allows the hanger to grasp the internal structures of your penis without slipping.

The Wrap: While Resting
Q:In one of previous posts you said you had used to stay wrapped after hanging for hours most times, how could it help I mean what’s the benefit of just being wrapped while resting?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
I did not always stay wrapped. And it usually was not for hours.
I am not sure whatsoever of the benefits. But it is a cheap, fairly safe ADS system, that helps the tissues heal while in the extended state. It may help lead to gains, or it may not.

The Wrap: Shaft Rotates Inside Hardcore Hanger (Problem)
Q:During my hang sessions the shaft will rotate inside the hanger either to the left or right and the hanger will be seated almost inverted on the shaft.

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
No, it is not the wrap, but rather the hanger adjustment and/or attachment.
You are not seating the shaft in the shaft well properly. The hanger is designed for the bottom chamber to be in the bottom teeth. The inner fingers of the hanger push into the top sides of the two major chambers. The top of the shaft, dorsal vein and nerve, should be in the top blood channel.
Therefore, the hanger must be adjusted correctly, with the top teeth almost completely meshed when the hanger is very tight. When the hanger is tight, the inner fingers should be like this, / \, not like this \ / or this [ ]. And the shaft must be as low in the shaft well as possible.

Solution: (Prevent Hanger Rotation)
Further advice:

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Wrap as normal, open the hanger wide, place your shaft in with the leading edge of the wrap at least a quarter inch in front of the hanger.
Close the hanger, putting the top bolt over. Then you can run the top wing nut in till it meets resistance. At that point, place your left thumb on the shaft right behind the head, and push down while you lift up the bottom of the hanger with your left hand. This effectively pulls the shaft down in the well, while your thumb keeps the one plus inch of gap between the head and the hanger.
Then tighten down the top wing nut, till the shaft will not move. Then, just push out on the hanger a bit, pulse push feeling the hanger grasp the internal structures, while you finish tightening.
That should place the shaft in the correct position, make it easier to tighten, and keep the wrap out of the top teeth.
As far as adjustments go, if your shaft is wider, rather than triangular, try running the bottom adjustment hex nuts out more, and seat the wide-top-two chambers at the bottom of the inner fingers.

New Issue: Engorged Glans (Rotation Problems Continued)
Q:Using the prescribed method above I still had problems in the middle of a set. Although things were much straighter this time, the shoulders did not form as easily as in the past and I’m having mild slippage. Also, the glans is also engorged more than usual.
You may have gone to far with adjustment. It is a trial and error process.

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Did you still have room in the top gap to tighten more? Did you tighten a couple more times after applying the weight?
Head being engorged should have nothing to do with this. Just be sure the majority of blood is out of the head before attaching. Also, when pulse pushing forward, you should feel the shoulders form.

This is when I learned that it’s very important to push all the blood out of the glans before the hanger is tightened. This prevents discoloration due to engorgement (because it wont get engorged when all the blood is pushed out). Forgetting to push the blood out of the glans can also cause major discomfort (bad technique hurts!).

Adjust Hanger Settings to Prevent Rotation

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
OK, try one other thing. Try to attach the hanger back a quarter inch and forward a quarter inch. It may be that you are simply attaching on a particularly sensitive inner structure. I have one of those, that I always had to avoid. Even moving the hanger a bit as you tighten might bring relief. As you pulse push forward, see if you can lodge the hanger in a comfortable spot.

Many guys experience attachment point discomfort at the beginning of a set. The tissues are essentially resting peacefully, and then you place 20 lbs of stress on them without even buying dinner. Many changes occur quickly under this stress, such as collagenous tissue matrix fluid being forced out. This means the shaft becomes thinner, and you need to quickly tighten a bit more to keep the hanger from slipping.

Out of the thousands of hangers I have observed, I have never seen a single case of “tissue death”. Except of course for those guys that have actually died. But then, cannot blame the hanger, or PE, for that.

Toe-In vs Toe-Out vs Parallel Hanger Settings
Q:I had adjusted the bottom two cranks such that the hanger looks this way —> [ ](parallel). I finally only just understood what you meant by / \ bigger. (is this correct?)

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
OK, that does not sound right. The bottom two “cranks”, actually wing nuts, are just to give easy access to the inner hex nut adjustments. The outer wing nuts should always be snug before attaching the hanger. Adjusting the inner hex nuts is a trial and error process. If you do not understand, please ask questions.

I found that at least for me, parallel hanger settings worked best. Major toe-in \ / or toe-out / \ settings were causing my hanger to slip. This is something everyone needs to figure out on their own when they first start hanging (whether they need parallel or toe-in/toe-out settings).

Q: This is how I set up my hanger: The top teeth mesh together tightly, and when I say that I mean I tighten the top cranks to the tightest they can possibly go. (is this proper technique?)

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
No, no, no, no. The bottom inner hex nut adjustments should be set so that the top teeth ALMOST mesh completely when the hanger is very tight. But you always want a bit of room to tighten more after beginning the set. Just pull up the weight and take another turn or two.

Hanger Tight / Wrap Loose
Q:How long should my sets be and is it OK if the hanger is a little loose?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Limit sets to 20 minutes. Just the act of stretching to and past the marginal stretch will decrease blood flow. A tourniquet should never be left on for more than 17 minutes. You should never restrict blood flow for any great length of time. The reason for the difference, 17 vs 20, is that under the worst of hanging conditions, the hanger will provide some blood flow to occur. It is restricted, not cut off as with a tourniquet.
The Bibs will provide more blood flow when tight vs when loose. When loose, the hanger will slip toward the head, forming a noose out of the front of the wrap, which chokes off blood to the head. Wrap loose, hanger tight.
Next, it will take a bit of time for the soft tissues of the body to adapt to the stresses. It is a great thing. Your body will actually be able to better pump blood to the stressed tissues over time.
Also, hanger adjustment issues can play a part in this, so I want to address that also.

This is an acquired skill. Believe me, you cannot attach the hanger loose. You will just be effectively making a noose, which is guaranteed to cut off circulation to the head. The hanger must be tight, and fairly close to correct in adjustment.

I would just comment that you don’t want your wrap extremely loose. I believe comparatively speaking the wrap shouldn’t constrict you at all when compared to the hanger.

Q:I can get the top gap teeth to mesh completely when i hang, usually within the first 3 minutes or so of the set. Is that ok?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
You do not want the teeth to mesh completely. You always need a bit of extra room to tighten more if needed.

The top teeth should NOT be completely meshed. Very easy to see with the hardcore. You always want a bit of room to tighten further a minute or so after applying the weight. You may even want to re-tighten a couple times during the set.

How to Fix Hanger Slippage: Dragon Story & Tubesnake

Hanger Settings: After Attaching Weight

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
The hanger should be tightened just up to discomfort when you first attach. But collagenous tissue matrix fluid will be forced from the collagenous tissues when they are stressed. This is a normal process for collagenous tissue under stress. This lessens the wrapped flaccid girth a bit. So, you should re-tighten after applying the weight.

Did you pulse push to see if the hanger was grasping the internal structures? Are you pulling the skin back toward the base a bit as you wrap?

When I use the term sliding, I am referring to the inner shaft being pulled through the skin, wrap and hanger. A bit of movement is OK, but not all the way to the head. The hanger inner fingers should grasp the internal structures of the shaft, and should form the ‘shoulders’ of the head upon which the front thumbs of the hanger lodge. Think of squeezing a hot dog, with part of the hot dog pushing forward.

Hanger Settings: Where to Attach
Q: Thanks - by the way one thing I noticed was by putting the hanger about 1/2 inch more towards the glans seemed to play a part in the comfort of the hanging.

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Yes, moving the attachment point around a bit can make a big difference in comfort.
Never be afraid to try different things, experiment.

Q: I attach my hanger about a half inch behind the glands at my circumcision scar on the shaft. Then when weight is applied it does go forward until it gets behind the head and then it stops. (Is that OK?)

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
You must attach at least 1.25 inches back from the coronal ridge in order to grasp the internals of the shaft.
I say this over and over. You must start your wrap AT LEAST an inch behind the coronal ridge, and attach the hanger at least a quarter inch behind the leading edge of the wrap. A half inch is NOT enough room for the hanger to get a good grip on the internals.

Where The Hanger Attachment Point Should Be
Q: This is what I was referring to above. When I pull the hanger down to seat it I can really feel the internal structures of my penis as at slides just a hair and seats about a half of a inch behind my glans.

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
That actually sounds good. So, if you attach 3/4 inches back further toward the shaft, you will stretch an extra 3/4 inches of skin. What in the world is that going to hurt? I do not see the importance. In fact, I stretched a couple of EXTRA inches of skin, regrew my foreskin, in order to protect the head. Much more sensitive now.

Hanger Settings: Hardcore Bib vs Bottom Chamber

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Since there is no padding in the way with the hardcore, the shaft well is a bit more contoured. The contour of the shaft well is designed to ONLY grasp the top two major chambers. The bottom of the inner fingers cut in a bit, and this area should divide the top chambers from the bottom chamber. The bottom chamber should be completely within the bottom blood channels, and ride on top of the bottom teeth.
With the hardcore, twisting should not be an issue at all. Therefore, the bottom blood channel should firmly LATERALLY hold the bottom chamber, and prevent any twisting.

Starting Routine

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
As far as time goes, I hung as privacy dictated. As far as weight goes, I hung the amount my body told me to hang.
The highest weight I used, hanging for gains, was 45 lbs. I limited sets to 20 minutes, but that could be 15-23 or so.

Yes. I hung all day, from 7:30AM till 4:30 PM, five days a week. Then a couple, 2-4, sets at night seven days per week. I believe that was probably overkill, and I believe my results would have been similar with only four hours per day or so. But this is just theory.
(18 sets per day.. 9hrs/ 20 on, 10 off = 2 sets pr hr)

Four hours would be 12 sets per day.

Three sets at ten minutes twice a day works out to what I recommend to start. A total of an hour a day at low weight. I recommend that you only move up in sets (one per week) till you reach your available privacy time limit, then begin going up slowly in weight. When you have adapted to the stresses, I recommend at least ten hours of hang time per week.
Please don’t start out at high weights. The soft tissues, skin, nerves, blood vessels, smooth muscle, must have time to adapt. Further, you must learn how the hanger works, and it is much safer, and easier to do this at lower weight. You can then adapt your technique as weight goes up.
I recommend you concentrate on one target tissue set, in a dedicated fashion, at least at first. Work that angle, or related angles, until you have stopped gaining, or need to tweak your program.

Choosing Your Angle of Attack (Divide & Conquer)

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Now, if you become totally fatigued at the primary angle, (for you BTC), then you can have a secondary angle, SO, to finish out a session. This saves some time, and provides some benefit. But if possible, stick with BTC.
Very few guys have had success with the shotgun approach. It is tough enough trying to deform the ligs. Much less trying to deform the entire tunica. Deforming the ligs first, getting them stretched out, will make it much easier to work on the tunica.
You cannot in one set or session, switch things around and expect to significantly affect many different tissues sets. The collagenous tissues are just too tough. It generally takes dedicated work over weeks and months to make progress on ONE thing.

Shotgun approach means you don’t have a primary and secondary attack angle. It simply means you’re doing different things all the time and not consistently fatiguing the same tissues to maximize gains before moving to new angles. For best results you need to stick with the same angle of attack (BTC/ SO/ UTC/ OTS) until you reach your maximum potential in that area or until things really slow down. If you find you’ve gone three weeks or a month with no BPFSL gains (less than 1/16” or 1/8”), while attacking the same angle, and if you’re sure you’re reaching fatigue, then it’s time for a new angle. BPFSL are the best measure for gains, since BPEL gains do not always appear immediately.

Starting Routine: Skin Stretching

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
To begin, it usually takes 1-2 weeks of dedicated skin stretch to get enough skin to work with. After that, you simply play it by ear. As the internal structures grow, the skin will become tighter. Then switch to dedicated skin stretch for a few days to a week to even a couple of weeks. How do I know if the skin is stretching?: Reach down and feel if the skin is very tight while the set is going on. If it is, then the skin is taking a good portion of the stress away from the inner structures.

When hanging, you’ll learn that skin stretching causes a bit of a burning feeling, and feels significantly different in contrast to pulling on internal structures. When skin stretching be sure to use vitamin E or cocoa butter to avoid getting stretchmarks or tearing the skin. Although skin stretches much faster than your penis can grow, it does have limits. You don’t want to stretch things faster than your nerves can grow. An obvious sign that you’re going too fast is tingling or numbness, caused by large spaces between the nerves.

Starting Routine: Skin Stretching/ New Foreskin
Q: I read that while you were hanging you got your foreskin back?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Not actual foreskin, but just as good as far as protecting the head. I stretched extra skin.

Q: If you hang BTC does your penis exit lower in your scrotum because you are not pulling the scrotum down, only the penis? (i.e. does BTC hanging cause your package to look funny)

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
No. The mid line of the scrotum attached to the fundiform ligament, which goes around each side of the shaft of the penis at the base. As the susp ligs and skin are stretched, pulling the shaft lower, the fund lig is also stretched, allowing the scrotum to hang lower. The entire package drops, not just the penis.

Starting Routine: Skin Stretching/ Turkey Neck
Q: Does the skin on the bottom side of the scrotum move up the shaft as it comes down from the stretch creating foreskin and turkey neck from the skin moving up the shaft?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
I believe you have this part correct. The way I say it is that during any of the stretches, the bottom shaft skin “borrows” skin from the scrotum, rather than stretching bottom shaft skin.
To combat this turkey neck, you must learn to wrap the scrotum while hanging. It does not take long to stretch the bottom shaft skin, so you do not have to do it very often.
Many guys wrap the scrotum while hanging at any angle, including BTC. I did not like it at all. I only wrapped the scrotum while hanging OTS. That was enough time, even with limited sets, to stretch the bottom shaft skin. On a side note, many guys are reporting good bottom shaft skin stretch while using the RSDT fulcrum.

Angles: UTL & OTL = extra angles

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Every degree is a different area to fatigue. UTL and OTL are more for dividing and conquering. Defeating fibers resisting in concert under stress at the straight angles. I never hung SU. OTS was [effective enough] for me.

Angles: BTC Hanging

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
BTC: scoot to the edge of your hanging chair, with your butt on the edge, or slightly over, with your feet propped up in another chair. The shaft splits the testicles, and depending on your length, the skids of the hanger rest on your butt cheeks, or on the front edge of the chair, or below the front edge of the chair.
A height adjustable chair is great for this. Or you can make a weight rack out of PVC pipe with a cap on one end, and a hole drilled in the other for the hanger hook. With a rack, the weights hang fairly horizontally.
(getting the best BTC stretch)
Actually, what matters is the attitude of the pelvis. The more horizontal the pelvis, the more stress on the ligs. Or rather, the more opportunity for stress on the ligs.
At this early stage [of your hanging career], having your feet lower, your pelvis up a bit, your ligs are still probably taking all the stress. Later, you may need a more severe angle with your feet up higher, and your pelvis more horizontal.

I did follow this advice, and I cut a PVC 6” pipe in half to create a PVC half pipe which I attached with rope to the front of my chair. This creates a fulcrum on the front of my chair, sufficient for SO, SD, and BTC angles. And of course my chair can also accommodate UTL angles as well. When I eventually do OTS angles, I’ll use a milk carton, or something similar to prevent undue stress or rope burns on my shoulders.

Angles: More BTC

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
When hanging BTC, depending on the actual angle, pelvis attitude, etc, the outer penis MUST go to one side or the other of the INNER penis that you are targeting through BTC. I know, too big of a sentence.
Step by step: For many guys, the penis shaft comes under the pubic bone, up the front face of the pubic bone, held there by the ligs, and exits the skin. Where we attach a hanger to the upper shaft and hang weights BTC.
Now, when you are pulling the outer shaft down, the inner shaft is there sitting on the pubic bone, right in the middle, held there by the ligs. The outer shaft, when pulled down and in by the BTC angle, will naturally fall to one side or the other of the inner penis.
It does make a difference in the ligament tissues affected by BTC, having the pull be on one side or the other of the bump. Here are a couple of techniques to address this:
Best for you to pick the side. You can move the entire assembly over by hand, alternating the side of the bump that you hang on each time.
Or you can put a PVC half pipe over the front edge of your hanging chair, and allow the skids of the hanger to ride on the half pipe to help keep it straight. This requires a not-so-severe BTC angle.
Or you can try tilting your pelvis forward, making a straighter pull on the shaft.
Remember, the entire key, the only thing that matters in this situation, is the stress on the ligaments, and managing that stress. Either make the stress straight, as discussed above, or allow the stress to be on one side or the other, alternating sides.

Of course, if you stress the sides unequally, it’s possible you could eventually train your penis to hang at an odd angle (undesirable). So if you don’t hang straight, it’s very important to alternate evenly.

Angles: My Hanger Turns/Rotates during BTC
Q: Almost everytime I hang BTC my penis twists to the left.So the hanger winds up resting on the side.

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
About the turning. You can also just alternate sides. This will help stress each of the lateral suspensory lig bundles. But to get the median susp ligs, you need to keep the hanger fairly straight.

Eventually I figured out that since my penis naturally favored one side about 10 degrees more than the other, and had to adjust the way my penis sat inside the Bib hanger. I actually twisted it very slightly to correct the angle and get my penis to point straight. I no longer have this problem because hanging has made my penis point straighter! This only took a few months of hanging to achieve.

Angles: SO / OTS Hanging

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
I always hung SO while seated in my office chair. I attached a 4” PVC half pipe to the front edge of my chair for the hanger skids to ride on (so the skids would not turn). I adjusted my butt so that the skids rode just behind the edge of the chair. Some friction, but I adjusted the weight to allow for it. Some guys use a pulley system to hang SO.
OTS is fairly simple. You need a short rope extension, with a loop in one end, and a hook in the other. Hook the weights with the rope extension and hook the rope extension with the hanger hook. Then just rest the rope over the back of your chair.
Depending on how high your seat back is, you may need to duct tape a fairly wide piece of something like milk jug plastic to the rope, in order to increase the surface area, and keep it from digging into your chest or shoulder.

Q: What is the difference between SU and OTS angles?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Not much. Maybe 30 degrees. OTS is generally along the belly.

Angles: See-Saw Effect

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
I tapped out at the lower angles, resumed gaining at the upper angles, then gained more at the lower angles. But I was not thinking about the see-saw effect at that time, and could not say for sure that it happened as theorized, but I believe it did. However, many other guys have reported this. Both a rise in LOT, and a corresponding period of gain when returning to the lower angles. It makes great sense.

Angles: Tunica Work
(RSDT = Highly Recommend/ Effective for tunica work, but it’s only for experienced hangers)

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
If you are working on the tunica, then you should be using the RSDT fulcrum. About 75% SO with the fulcrum, and 25% SO without the fulcrum. The fulcrum sets will stress the septum, and upper shaft. The normal sets will stress the rest of the fibers. This technique insures you are dividing and conquering. Attacking fibers more on an individual basis, which requires less stress.

(I mentioned I was not reaching substantial fatigue)

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
OK, why have you not reached fatigue within the first set or two of a session, so that you have to reduce the weight in subsequent sets? I do not see that you are reaching fatigue early, then riding the fatigue.

Q: What surprised me was the immediacy of the recovery after extended fatigue. (I had finally truly reached fatigue in the second set, then continued to lower the weight in subsequent sets because I was very fatigued. I also noticed I recovered quickly).

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Yes, the body can heal very quickly, even without rest time. The body can heal even while new damage is occuring.
Work to ride the fatigue, day after day. See how long you can go before having to return to your max weight. You have to push the envelope, using just enough weight to keep up the daily fatigue, causing new damage each day

Q: I was able to manage 6 x 20 minute sets of today at a new maximum weight. The most interesting thing is that this was not at all unbearable. (I was a few months into my hanging career and was starting to see increased toughness in my tunica, despite ‘riding the fatigue’ and avoiding rest days).

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
If six sets did not establish fatigue, not cause a reduction in weight, then you probably need to bump up the stress. This is why I stress riding the fatigue. Reduce the weight as needed to stay comfortable, but always just pushing the envelope. You reduced a bit too much, gave the tissues too much of a break, and it appears they have healed completely.

You need to hang seven days a week. Even if on some days, you can only hang a set or two. You do not want to give the tissues a chance to heal completely.

You should move up in weight, 1-2 lbs per set per week, until you reach a weight that brings on fatigue within the first set or two.

This emphasizes the need to go by feel more than simply just increasing or decreasing the weight. At the same time, it’s best to move up slowly in 1/2lb increments until you find your point of fatigue. And as always, avoid substantially increasing the weight and the number of sets at the same time.

Q: What do you think of hanging 4 times a day (every six hours or so) when attacking ligs for maybe better gains?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Four times per day may be overkill. I think there is some benefit in twice per day hanging, about 12 hours apart. It really depends on fatigue management.

Fatigue: Nerve Damage: Strange Electrical Feelings = Gains
Q: During the set I felt electrical feeling in my glans, it was annoying I had stop the set, very strange feeling like electrical current going through top shaft and the head. Do you know why this is going on?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
I surely do. From the head up the shaft, just the head, etc. I had this many many times, and associated it with gains. My theory was that it was nerve tissue straining under the stress to make connections.
The sheath surrounding nerve will stretch easily. But the nerve material itself is crumbly. The nerve material will fill in as the penis grows. But there can be some very weird feelings during the process.
The only other reason for these feelings that I am familiar with is if either side of the hanger puts pressure on the nerve bundle behind the head. But that usually causes numbness, not the tingling, electrical feeling.

Fatigue: (Continued) Bib Hanger Designed to Stress the Right Areas (vs Vacuum Hanger)
Here bib explains some of his philosophy behind why he built the Bib hanger the way he did.

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Stress must be taken somewhere toward the end of the shaft. That stress must be accepted in certain areas and avoided in other areas. The areas that need to accept the stress are the tough collagenous tissues which restrain the erection, and the deformation of which causes gains. The areas to avoid are the plumbing, blood vessels and urethra; and the communications, nerves and nerve bundles.
Next are the things that change. They are supposed to change in PE. I wanted my hangers to be able to change along with changing physiology, in order for a guy to refine his technique to handle new challenges.
Finally, I wanted the hanger to be able to grasp with sufficient force, such that it could remain stable on the shaft, when enough weight was applied to deform any reasonable tissue. That is a tough one.

Fatigue: Rest Days
In short, Bib’s philosophy here is very clear. Don’t take rest days unless you must (unless there’s an injury, pain, or other serious issues, keep riding the fatigue).

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
I have yet to hear a physiologically sound reason for taking rest days, unless you are injured. If there are skin problems, etc, then simply reduce the weight. I always advise that you try to hang at least one set per day, almost in the worst of times. If you reach a point where any weight for any time is too uncomfortable, then you are close to injury, and need a day off. Try to reach fatigue every day*, ride the fatigue*, without pushing too hard, make good decisions on angles and techniques, and you will gain in a safe manner. When my unit was really hot, swollen, or there was an obvious high degree of damage, I immediately cut back on the intensity during those times.

Fatigue: Don't Stop Even with Shrinkage

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
When you get to a period where your penis is hard, drawn back, etc, just cut the stress level way back, perhaps by 50%. This fairly well goes along with great fatigue. Hang a few sets. It should be easy. You will find that doing this, you will still heal, and you will find that you come back to normal quickly, with a longer penis. This practice will also keep the soft tissues conditioned, as opposed to rest (atrophy) and prevent discoloration.

For me, this makes sense. If you don’t continue hanging (when your penis is hard, drawn back, etc), your penis will heal shorter. So hang, but keep things really light (e.g. 50%) until your tissues are healthy enough for stress again. The only time you should completely stop is when any amount of weight causes pain. That’s a red flag, and a sign you need to rest.

Fatigue: When Does Deformation Occur
Q: How long does a hanging session take to lengthen fibers and measure an ever so slight increased stretch afterwards? (Assuming we had a microscope and could actually see when they were stretched and lengthened)

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Of course, it depends [on many factors]. First, any fibers deformed during a session must be fibers which were restricting the length of the erection, in order for a gain to occur. Next, the amount of deformation must be sufficient to measure a gain.
The way this works is in fits and starts, and is measured in microns (on a daily basis). As long as you are feeling fatigue, you can be fairlly certain that deformation is occurring, that collagenous fibers are going through micro trauma.
The timing of the deformation can occur anytime during a session. There are millions of loci where deformation can occur. Common sense would say the weakest of the next limiting factor loci are affected first. IOW, the tightest of the weakest loci are affected first, followed in a cascade effect by the next tightest, weakest, etc. You do not affect just one point or area during a session.

Q: I feel like for several days of intense training my BPFSL is actually a little less for up to a week, then it seems to make a small release and jump in the right direction.

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
There is no doubt that from the reports of many guys, including myself, that the shaft pulls back from time to time, fairly often, in reaction to the stresses. I always felt much of this was fatigue or injury response from the body, the folds formed in the collagenous matrix pulling the shaft back. As long as I continued to hang, even at reduced weight, it would pull out, and gains [would] continue.
Measurements are like the stock market. They go up and down, but the general trend is always up.

Fatigue: Between Sets 10min rest

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
The key is to allow for the return of full circulation each rest period. Slapping your penis on your leg, BTB jelqing, etc, will help with this. I recommend at least ten minutes between sets, but many guys get by with even less. You can take as much time between sets as needed. IOW, if you have to take a longer break, it is no problem.
I recommend that in between sets, you slap your unit against your leg, and do BTB, behind the balls, jelqing to return circulation.

Fatigue: When to take a Decon Break

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
A de-conditioning break should last at least a month to six weeks, and should only be tried after you reach a fairly long plateau(3-5 months), and have exhausted all means to jump start gains. Before trying a long break, you should check your tests, change up angles, techniques, etc.
There is not a tremendous amount of information on the web concerning weakening or atrophy of collagenous tissues, but I have seen information that says there is significant weakening after six weeks of complete rest.
Seven days will only serve to lose conditioning in the soft tissues, especially the skin. You probably saw extra discoloration, and had a hard time hanging your max after a seven day layoff.

Stretching Ligs

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
I am sure that it is different for every single guy. But for me, the fascia attaching ligs to tunica is now about 2.5 inches from my coronal ridge. I am sure of this, because I can palpate the ligs from the base to the furthest tunica attachment point.
So my ligs have been stretched way out there. Before PE, they were obviously only about half way down the shaft.
So, not only would the attachment points be different for every guy, but they will move further toward the head with successful PE.

Flaccid vs Erect Length

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
My FSL increased faster at first than EL. Then, EL began to increase along with continued increase in FSL. After that, they tracked fairly well together. I believe the most FSL was ahead of EL was 1.5 inches.
It just depends on the outward force of the erection, how much internal blood pressure can push the erection out. When the resistance of the tunica is low enough, blood pressure will show in erect gain.
Every guy that I have ever read about reporting on the issue, says their flaccid stretch goes up earlier, and more, than their BP length. Then BP begins to catch up after a while.

BPFSL gains are BPEL gains in the pipeline. Eventually some of those BPFSL gains will translate to BPEL gains with continued hanging/PEing.

Restore Blood flow: Always Jelq After Sessions 10-20

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Always remember to jelq for 10-20 minutes after a session, with fair wood, but not with great intensity. You want complete restoration of blood flow. This will also allow the urethra to recover, and allow for normal urination.

There are other health benefits to Jelqing, including plaque removal from veins.

Keep Detailed Records

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
I would say the biggest factor is knowledge, and how a guy goes about his program. If he just blindly hangs weight, then success will be limited. If he pays attention to what his unit tells him, and reacts well, makes good decisions, then that guy will be relatively more successful. Along those lines, keep good records. When you started a technique or angle, amounts of weight, what you feel, etc. Not just measurements.

Actually, reading these comments, especially the ones above about the strange tingling sensations in my glans are reminding me of how I felt when I was making good hanging gains. If you write how you’re feeling while hanging, you can go back to those periods when you’ve been gaining or not gaining & make insightful comparisons that will guide you in the right direction.


Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
I recommend a MINIMUM of ten hours per week. Just as a ballpark figure, I recommend a maximum of four hours per day. I believe you can totally fatigue any tissue set within that time, if you hang effectively. Anything past that is probably a case of diminishing returns. However, each guy is different. I am sure there are guys that can benefit from more time.

This is when i decided I wanted to shoot for 8 hours. This requires at least two angles of attack, since it is believed that more than 4 hours at a single angle (strapped in time) has massive diminishing returns. As of yet, I have not done more than 3 hours per day.

Q: How much gains can I expect and what is normal?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
Out of the THOUSANDS of hangers I am familiar with, I know of 4-5 guys that have gained as much as I have. We are statistical outliers, and this is totally normal. As with just about anything involving the human body, gains follow a normal bell curve. Some gain very little. A lot of guys gain an inch or so. Many gain 2-3 inches. A few gain 3-4 inches. A very few gain over 4.

Much of gain potential is a result of the relative strength of the tissues involved. Much of the gains result is a matter of time and dedication. A HUGE amount of the gains result is a case of GOALS. Many guys simply do not want to gain that much. They stop when they reach a size they believe suits them. My wife first told me to stop after gaining 2.5 inches. I talked her into letting me continue.

There is some logic to the fact that if many can gain 1” and some 2” that there will be a few that gain less or more. Statistically speaking this is a normal bell curve phenomena. There are always a very small number of extreme outliers in statistics, and in the case of PE we have ultra-hard gainers on one end (people that just can’t seem to gain), and we have easy gainers on the other end. This may be encouraging for you older guys out there: as we age, our skin and ligaments tend to stretch more easily. There seems to be a general trend that older PE’ers tend to gain more than younger guys.

The Bib Starter vs the Bib Regular Hanger
Is the Bib regular better for me since I am a little over the minimum requirements? Is one better than the other for hanging (long term)?

Originally Posted by Bib/Bigger
No, there are advantages with both hangers. The regular is effectively one inch longer in the secondary fulcrum point. So, with the regular, you can use substantially less weight, and get more pull. Plus the extra surface area really helps. You are going to stretch just about all the tunica with the regular anyway.

The Starter is a bit easier to get used to, learn to use. As far as the fulcrum goes, some guys have a hard time getting the Starter to tilt forward. But once they do it one time, they generally have no more problems.

Personally, I’ve been using the starter, and I will probably never switch to the regular since I’ve become very accustomed to it. Although there are explicit girth specifications, you can actually be much larger or smaller and either hanger can still work for you. By simply using a longer piece of theraband, and wrapping things a little thicker, you can make a good attachment point for the hanger for varying girth sizes. Keep in mind, the general advice with PE is always length first, girth second. As a sidenote, people tend to gain girth from hanging, more towards the base of the penis. I have gained over 1” of girth at the base of my penis (as of my last measurement), just from hanging (up from about 5” to over 6”). This is without doing any girth work other than very light jelqing. Not everyone gains girth from hanging, but most people seem to.

Inverted V-Stretch - Long Hold
This is just one of those terms that seemed obscure to me. Why is it in this guide.. I don’t know.. maybe because if you were crazy you could do an inverted V-Stretch while hanging! I think an RSDT is effective enough at doing this kind of stretching and I hear it’s excellent for fatiguing the entire tunica.

This stretch is the dogs bollocks* imo.
The way I used it was with the aid of pot of E45 cream eventually after trying some alternate* cylinders. An E45 cream pot is a cylinder approx 2.5” (6cm) in diameter and 2.5” (6cm) long. These dimensions are perfect for placement between the legs whilst sitting.

Pushing the pot close up to the balls, and stretching the penis over it and over the edge of the chair allows a straight arm stretch to be performed with immense power, effectively using the shoulder and the body to power the stretch rather than the arm. With a good grip, it is possible to hold this stretch for long periods and I found 3 minutes worked well, stopping to regain circulation before reapplying.

It’s just as important when doing a stretch like this to relax into the stretch. It’s strange but when you snatch a stretch it seems much less effective, if you gradually turn on the power you can stretch that bit further and really feel it.

This is like hanging heavy weights without using a hanger and this stretch should really impact on the septum.

Why Split Sets Day/Night are important
(Could 6 Hours Between Sets be Ideal?)
Apparently physical therapists/medical practitioners stretch ligaments once every 6 hours to prevent them from healing shorter. This quote appears to be from a male nurse who worked in a burn unit as he observed physical therapists stretch burned ligaments every 6 hours to prevent them from healing shorter. Theoretically this can be applied to PE

OK I found that post, really good information. Written by user muscleup at mattersofsize forum. I hope you’ll find this useful.

Originally Posted by muscleup
I have not started really hanging yet. But when I do, I have to agree with SWM that 20 min sessions a few times a day is best. I base this on medical info I picked up in a burn unit I worked in. When the physical therapists come in to stretch a patient’s ligaments and skin so that they do not retract, they do so several times a day around the clock. Every 6 hours at least I have heard is best between stretches in order to prevent the body from retracting what you have just stretched. By doing so in this manner, consistent and permanent gains can be made with the tough tissue of ligs .When I get my hanger, I think I will start a routine that will be stretching 3-4 times a day as evenly spaced out as I can with my schedule. I think SWM is right on track with that idea. And the hanging weight I will use will be one which will not let the ligs “accommodate” too quickly to the weight and which would just let the ligs and tunica get tougher and stronger without the stretch that I want. So it needs to be fairly heavy but not heavy enough to cause damage and hurt. You need to stay “ahead of the game” when it comes to accommodation and your body wanting to always return to normal

Hey, if I read this right, physical therapists make burn victims RIDE THE FATIGUE!


6 X 5(Jun 2002) ----> 8 7/8 X 6 (OCt 2009) -----> 9.75 X 6.0 (Goal)

'I think you will find that the one thing all big gainers have in common is tenacity.' ~Bib

So ThunderSS—have you already gone through the guide & edited to make it official or is this just my cleaned up version?

Also, you can delete this line:
Cobbler’s pose - I never figured out what that is

If no one knows what the hell that is, then I’m not worried about it! I can’t even recall where I found the post that mentioned it. I recently tried a search & it didn’t even come up. Maybe the thread that had it was pruned…

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
That’s your version. I am not going to edit it. I did remove the cobbler’s thing for you though.

Well, I don’t mind if changes are made if there are things you think are incorrect/ or bad information. I don’t want the guide to misinform anyone. I don’t mind if you make changes, add to the top “edited by”, etc.

I’m sure the guide could use more commentary. I could have probably put a lot more in, or as I said, I don’t mind if you do. Go ahead, honestly—if you don’t like parts, go ahead & change it.

Unless you think its too big/ too much of a beast to make it worth it…

OR unless you like how it is now.. then no need to change things! But if you don’t, as I already said before, you’re welcome to edit.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

If changes need to be made at some point down the road, we will make them. How does that sound?

It sounds like a plan

Good guide some gems of information in there thanks.

Originally Posted by Jiminy465

Good guide some gems of information in there thanks.

Hearing positive feedback like this has made this little project worthwhile. I don’t mind criticism either—if someone doesn’t like any part of the guide, let’s hear it.

I mentioned the HTW several times on this post, here’s a link to the thread explaining it: HTW: its a wrap

Thank you blink for your effort. Lot of valuable information in one place.

At the moment I am waiting for my starter bib hanger. I will bother you with my question when I get it.

take care

Originally Posted by glanzino

Thank you blink for your effort. Lot of valuable information in one place.

At the moment I am waiting for my starter bib hanger. I will bother you with my question when I get it.

take care

Sure, I don’t mind trying to help. The guide is really just a compilation of problems & questions I have had, along with the answers. I am glad you found it useful. :)

Really Nice.

I’m hanging for a week and a half and it’s noticeable how my unit is getting expanded (bigger) along with Jelqing and Ulis.


Excellent information ! :)

Thanks Blink for this very comprehensive hanging guide. I’ve been periodically consulting this guide since starting my hanging career 6 weeks ago. This thread deserves to be a Sticky.

start 1/20/08: 6.0 nbpel, 5.5 eg, 4 fl, 5 fg

now 6/30/12: 6.75 nbpel, 5.875 eg, 5.0 fl, 5.125 fg

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